Importing a Dungeon Courser
For information on how to actually design your imports, check out our Design Guide.
Free Imports
Free Imports are, as the name implies, available to create for free at any time. There is no limit to how many Free Imports you can create, except that you cannot have more than one in the design approval queue at a time. Free Imports only have access to Common traits, and cannot be altered with the use of Import Items.
You can make a Free Import by opening the “Submit" dropdown on the top navbar and selecting “Create Free Import," or by clicking the button below. This will add the import to your undesigned genos.
Free Import Features
- Your choice of Common Coat Color
- Your choice of 1 Common Marking OR Common Modifier
- Free Markings [optional]
- Your choice of Temperament
- ❌ No Import Items
- ❌ No Anomalies or Variants
- ❌ No Trade or Transfer
Submitting Your Design
- 1. After you create a new import, you will be able to submit a design by hitting the Create Request button on the displayed page. (You can also do this later by finding the import in your genos and selecting “Submit Design" on the sidebar)
- 2. In the Comments tab, list which Temperament you'd like your new Courser to have, then click “Save."
- 3. In the Masterlist Image tab, upload your full-size official reference, then click “Save."
- 4. In the Add-Ons tab, you don't need to do anything. Just click “Save."
- 5. In the Traits tab, click the “Add Trait" button, which will create a search box. Type in and select each of the Traits your horse will have, including Free Markings, hitting “Add Trait" before each. For example, Chestnut, Tobiano, and Somatic would all need to be selected separately. When all your horse's traits are visible, click “Save."
- 5. When you're finished, go back to the Submit tab of your request and click “Submit Request." Staff will review your design and create your Courser after approval!
Mystery Imports
Mystery Imports are randomly rolled genotypes that you can edit, trade, or design. They are created through the use of an item (a Common Mystery Scroll, Uncommon Mystery Scroll, or Rare Mystery Scroll) and rolled by staff using a random generator.
When you redeem a Mystery Scroll, you will receive a pair of genotypes to choose from, both attached to a slot in your undesigned genos.
Mystery Scrolls can be found by lucky adventurers in the dungeon, or purchased from the Wizard's wares.
Mystery Import Features
- Random Coat Color [of scroll rarity]
- 1 random Marking or Modifier [of scroll rarity or below]
- Free Markings [optional]
- 25% chance of second Marking or Modifier
- 10% chance of random Anomaly
- 5% chance of random Variant
- Random Temperament
- ✔️ Import Items can be applied to add more traits
- ✔️ Genos can be traded to other players
Redeeming Your Scroll
- 1. When you'd like to redeem your Scroll, click on the Submit dropdown on the top navbar and select Use Import Scroll.
- 2. If you are adding items (such as Marking Potions) to your import, fill out the form in the Comments section describing the desired effect of each item (e.g., what rarity of marking you'd like).
- 3. Attach the Import Scroll and all other items to the Add-Ons section.
- 4. Make sure everything is accurate, then hit Submit!
- 5. Staff will roll your Mystery Import and upload it for you; you will be notified when your submission is accepted and your import created!
Custom Imports
Custom Imports are custom-made genotypes with a set number of traits that you can choose! They are created through the use of an item (a Common Custom Scroll, Uncommon Custom Scroll, or Rare Custom Scroll) and rolled by staff using a random generator.
When you redeem a Custom Scroll, you will choose the traits you'd like your new horse to have, and staff will upload a slot to your undesigned genos.
Custom Scrolls can be found by lucky adventurers in the dungeon, or purchased from the Wizard's wares.
Custom Import Features
- Your choice of Coat Color [of scroll rarity]
- Your choice of 1 Marking, Modifier, or Carrier [of scroll rarity or below]
- Free Markings [optional]
- 10% chance of random Anomaly
- 5% chance of random Variant
- Your choice of Temperament
- ✔️ Import Items can be applied to add more traits
- ✔️ Genos can be traded to other players
Redeeming Your Scroll
- 1. When you'd like to redeem your Scroll, click on the Submit dropdown on the top navbar and select Use Import Scroll.
- 2. Fill out the form in the Comments section describing the Traits you'd like your Import to have. If you are adding any additional Import items, list the desired effect of each item as well.
- 3. Attach the Import Scroll and all other items to the Add-Ons section.
- 4. Make sure everything is accurate, then hit Submit!
- 5. Staff will upload your Custom Import and attach it to your account; you will be notified when your submission is accepted and your import created!