

Questing and Quest Types

  • Your horses must go on quests to earn the Exp needed to level up.  Quests can only be completed using your own characters or Group Horses.
  • The main three quest types are Dungeon Dives, Campaigns, and Questlines. Special events may introduce limited-time quest types in the future.
  • Some Quests must be completed by a single player/character, and others can be collaborations or roleplays with other players. Find more details on the Quest types below.
  • All Quest images and writing must focus on the character(s) participating in the quest; pets and other characters are welcome to be featured as well, but the character receiving the rewards should be the focus of the piece.
  • All quests have specific rewards that you receive on top of the art/writing Coin rewards you receive when submitting to the gallery. Typically, these rewards become more valuable as the quest's level increases.
  • Sometimes quest loot is rolled randomly, but there are Items that can improve your luck!

Dungeon Dives

Develop your character with randomly-generated questions or themed prompts. A Dungeon Dive is a single prompt, rolled randomly based on the level of the dungeon you'd like to explore.

Level 1 characters cannot go deeper than Level 1 of the dungeon, Level 2 characters cannot go deeper than Level 2, and so on. To explore a level that is deeper than your character can reach, pick up a Mercenary Contract of that level to hire a Group Horse to guide them!

Each level of Dungeon Dive has a theme with corresponding loot, prompts, and character development questions. Level 1 Dungeon Dives have the easiest prompt response requirements and the least valuable loot.  The deeper you go, the higher level your character must be, the more Exp you earn per prompt, and the greater the riches awaiting discovery.

View Dungeon Dive Levels


Dungeon Dive Summary
  • 1 Player
  • 1 Character (and/or Group Horse)
  • Single randomly-rolled prompt
  • User receives 2 random loot rolls
  • Character receives Exp Points that equal Prompt level
  • Horse level determines which prompt levels are available
Dungeon Dive Process
  1. 1.  Head to the Dungeon Coursers Discord Server once you've selected a character (or Group Horse) to use for the prompt and what level of Dungeon Dive you're going to complete
  2. 2. In the #DungeonDives channel, check the pinned messages for the command needed to get a prompt for your level. For instance, if you're taking your character Flicka on a level 1 Dungeon Dive, your command will be !dd1 Flicka
  3. 3. Send your command in the #DungeonDives channel to receive your prompt. Every player is allowed to roll 4 prompts per day!
  4. 4. Complete your art/writing response to the prompt with the minimum requirements stated on the prompt.
  5. 5. Submit your work to the Dungeon Dives Gallery to receive your Coin!
  6. 6. Claim your Prompt Rewards using the URL to your Gallery submission; don't forget to attach your character to the prompt submission to receive their EXP!


Crawl through a perilous randomly-generated dungeon with up to three friends! Campaigns allow parties of 1-4 horses (and 1-4 players) to travel chamber to chamber through the dungeon, testing their skills. Every prompt in a Campaign describes a new challenge with an associated Stat and a randomized difficulty. After you and your party respond to the prompt (with a collaborative art piece, story, roleplay, or combination of those), your characters' Stats will be put to the test.

Using a dice roll, the dungeon will contest your party's skills; if the characters' stats are higher than the dungeon's roll, your party will claim that level's rewards and proceed to the next challenge! If they fail, they will receive low-tier rewards, the Campaign will be over and the characters left Incapacitated.

Campaign rewards are significantly more valuable than the prizes of other quests, and you earn loot and EXP for completing a prompt even if you fail the roll afterward. While eventual defeat is inevitable, braving a Campaign is an extremely profitable way to boost your character's level.

Each player may be in only one active Campaign at a time. You may not edit a character's stats or equipment while that character is Campaigning.

You may end a Campaign early without Incapacitation by tagging staff to close your Campaign thread for you. Any Campaign thread that is  inactive (no messages from party members) for a week or more will cause the Campaign to be closed by staff.

View all Campaign Levels

Campaign characters can be owned by participating players in any combination: one player can use 1-4 of their own horses, some players can bring multiple horses while others only bring one, etc; the more horses in a party, the greater your chances of passing rolls, but the more art/writing will need to be completed for each prompt. Level your characters, buff stats with gear and build your team strategically!

Read the Group Horses page for information on using a Group Horse in your party!

Campaign Summary
  • 1 - 4 Players Collaborating
  • 1 - 4 Characters (or Group Horses)
  • Series of randomly-rolled prompts
  • Every prompt finishes with a "skill check"—if your party succeeds, you receive that level's rewards, character EXP, and move on to the next prompt
  • If your party fails, you receive a Booby Prize and character EXP. Your Campaign ends, and your characters are Incapacitated.
  • Campaigns have  the most challenging/time consuming prompts, with most valuable loot payout
Campaign Process
  1. 1. Gather your party! You can have up to 4 horses including Group Horses and up to 4 total players.
  2. 2. Head to the #campaigns channel in our Discord server! In the pinned messages, you'll find a form you should complete using your party's info. Note that once you post your team's stats, they cannot be modified/leveled up until the campaign ends.
  3. 3. Post the completed form in the #campaigns channel. This will create a thread you can use to make rolls and chat with your team.
    4. Use the !campaign command in your new thread. Our robot butler will generate a prompt for your party to complete. Collab with your party to complete a reply, including all characters in the party!
  4. 5. Upload your completed prompt response to the Campaigns Gallery. Only one person needs to upload, but be sure to link all of your collaborators when calculating rewards!
  5. 6. Submit that to the Campaign Prompt of appropriate difficulty to claim your roll rewards.... As before, only one person needs to upload, but all party characters should be linked to receive EXP!
  6. 7. Grab the link to your Prompt Submission and post it in your campaign's Discord thread. Then, tag @staff
  7. 8. A staff member will roll your characters' stats against the prompt challenge using our specialized bot. If your roll fails, your campaign ends, all players will receive Booby Prize loot rolls, character EXP, and all characters (except Group Horses) will be Incapacitated (see below). If your roll is a success, you will get valuable rewards and move on to the next challenge by tagging !campaign again!

💀 Incapacitated Status

When your character fails a skill check during a Campaign, they become Incapacitated. Incapacitated horses cannot participate in quests, breeding rolls, or other activities. You can remove a horse's Incapacitated status by completing a Recovery Prompt that illustrates their escape or recuperation. Recovery Prompts require an accompanying piece of writing or art unless you use a Phoenix Feather to remove this requirement.


Embark on a lore-rich pre-written adventure presented in a series of 1-4 prompts; these explorations of the Buried Kingdom's world are the closest thing Dungeon Coursers has to a “main story", and your character will earn Achievements and unique story-related rewards for their participation!

Some Questlines will always be available to be completed at any time. However, most in-game events and holidays will have a unique Questline and accompanying Achievement that is only available for the event's duration. Join event Questlines before they disappear!

Each horse (except Group Horses) may complete a Questline only once, but players can do them as many times as they have horses. Earned Achievements stay with a horse for life, but If a horse is transferred to a new owner before a Questline is complete and the Achievement claimed, the new owner will have to start the Questline again with that horse.

View Available Questlines


Questline Summary
  • 1  Player
  • 1  Character (or Group Horses)*
  • Pre-determined loot related to the story, typically awarding a unique Achievement
  • Series of pre-written, previewable prompts with a set storyline
  • Typically 1-4 prompts in a series
Questline Process
  1. 1. There are no Questlines available at this time. Keep an eye out for new announcements!

* = Because Achievements are awarded to characters and not players, we recommend using your own characters for Questlines if you want to keep your Achievements! Using a Group Horse will award that Achievement to the Group Horse.

Last updated: 4 September 2024, 10:06:58 EDT