Art and Writing Scores


Art & Writing Rewards

All art, writing, and roleplay you make for Dungeon Coursers earns Coin! This includes art you make of your own horses, Group Horses, NPCs, and other players' horses. Even trades, gifts, and commissions earn Coin!

You collect Coin rewards for your work when uploading to a Gallery. Coin rewards are received on top of default Quest or Prompt rewards, and must be claimed separately.

How to claim Coin Rewards

  1. Find the Gallery that best fits your work, and hit the Submit button to begin your upload.
  2. Upload your visual art with the Browse button, or paste your writing into the Text area and format it as you wish.
  3. If you collaborated on a piece (or are uploading a roleplay with another player), find the Add Collaborator section and tag the piece's other creator(s). This will automatically split the total Coin reward with your partner(s), and they will be notified!
  4. Near the bottom of the page, find the Art / Lit Coin Rewards section. Click the Add Coin Rewards button to make a dropdown appear!
  5. Select 'Visual Art' or 'Writing/Roleplay' from the dropdown. This will produce a form that calculates your Coin rewards—you can see the figures the Calculator uses below!
  6. If you are uploading art and writing at the same time, repeat steps 4 and 5 so that you complete both the visual art and the writing calculator.
  7. Submit! Get paid! Your art will automatically be accepted into the Gallery, and staff will confirm your rewards shortly after.

Visual Art Rewards

These numbers will be added up for you based on your input to the Gallery submission calculator, but here's a guide to the math it does behind the scenes.

Though some of the descriptions below reference horses specifically, these apply equally to every creature you draw, including Pets, Monsters, Merchants, etc.

Amount of Horse Visible / Base Coin Value
  • Headshot: 15 Coin
    Headshots must include all of the head, but may include some neck/mane
  • Bust: 30 Coin
    Busts must include all of the head, neck and mane, but may include some shoulder or foreleg.
  • Halfbody: 45 Coin
    Halfbodies must include the head, neck, and entire torso, but may include parts of the legs or tail.
  • Fullbody: 70 Coin
    Fullbodies must include all of the head, neck, torso, and more than half of each limb, but less than half of some limbs may be obscured by other elements.
monsters / pets
  • Simple Pets / Monsters: 10 Coin
    Simple creatures include: Slimes, Wisps, Jars, and Cubes
  • Complex Pets / Monsters: 30 Coin
    Complex creatures include: Hounds, Drakes, Imps, Toads
  • Colored Images: 150% Coin
    Stylized coloring counts as color, as long as all of the character's markings are still rendered.
  • Shaded Images: 150% Coin
    Shading increases your Coin count by 50%. Cell shading, soft shading and full-value painting all qualify as shading.
  • Decorative Background: 25 Coin
    A decorative element such as a wreath around the neck, a frame, florals, or other drawn ornaments that do not create a full scene.
  • Partial Background: 50 Coin
    A background that, in some manner, does not fill the entire canvas or complete an entire scene. Perhaps only the foreground is rendered, or only a small portion of a scene around a character.
  • Complete Background: 100 Coin
    A fully-visible scene with a foreground, middle ground, and background. The character's entire surroundings are made clear, and attention is paid to perspective.

How much time and energy did you spend on your writing? Was it pretty quick, normal for you, or above and beyond?

  • Quick: 100% Coin
    Work that is relatively fast and low-effort compared to the artist's norm.
  • Standard: 200% Coin
    The artists' norm; the work is made thoughtfully but not with great difficulty.
  • Extraordinary: 300% Coin
    Work that pushes the envelope! The artist spent more effort than usual on this piece, tried a new technique or medium, or pushed beyond their typical standards of rendering.
  •  Interaction Bonus: 25 Coin.
    Are two or more Coursers interacting with each other in your image? NOT applied to collabs/RP.

Writing & Roleplays

These numbers will be added up for you based on your input to the Gallery submission calculator, but here's a guide to the math it does behind the scenes.

Word Count:
  • Your base Coin count is 25% of your Word Count
  • 100 words = 25 Coin

How much time and energy did you spend on your writing? Was it pretty quick, normal for you, or above and beyond?

  • Quick: 100% Coin
    Work that is relatively fast compared to the writer's norm, such as a sprint or other piece with little pre-planning or revision..
  • Standard: 200% Coin
    The writer's norm; typically has been thoughtfully constructed, proofread, and edited.
  • Extraordinary: 300% Coin
    Work that pushes the envelope! The writer has employed new techniques and literary devices, and put greater-than-normal effort into the work.
  • Dialogue Bonus: 25 Coin
    Applied when a single author writes dialogue between two or more characters. NOT applied to RP/collabs.
  • Backstory: 25 Coin
    Your writing examines your character's past in a meaningful way.
  • Character Arc: 25 Coin
    The piece is a continuation of an ongoing plotline for your character rather than a vignette disconnected from other narratives.
  • Pet Bonus: 25 Coin
    Your character's Pet is present (or mentioned) in a meaningful way.
  • Monster Bonus: 25 Coin
    Your character interacts with a monster or other foe of the dungeon.
  • Evocative Bonus: 25 Coin
    A stylistic bonus for using mood, symbolism, and other literary devices to create vivid or emotive writing.

Special Submissions


Collaborations / Roleplays
  • If you collaborated on a piece (or are uploading a roleplay with another player), find the Add Collaborator section and tag the piece's other creator(s). This will automatically split the total Coin reward with your partner(s), and they will be notified!
Gifts, Trades, and Commissions
  • If your art/writing is a gift, trade, or commission for someone else, find the Other Participants section and tag the recipient(s). You will be able to indicate whether the piece is a gift, trade, or commission for them!
Last updated: 18 September 2024, 20:17:02 EDT