character Levels

Level 1

Another newcomer hungry for adventure...

  • Level 1 is the starting point for most characters.
  • Characters level up by gaining EXP, which is earned by completing Quests.
  • Upon creation, your character can participate in Level 1 Dungeon Dives as well as all Campaign and Storyline Quests.
  • Once your character has reached 5 EXP, go to the Level & Stats tab of their profile to level them up to Level 2!

Level 2


  • At Level 2, characters receive their first Breeding Slots and are able to have foals. 
  • Level 2 Dungeon Dives are unlocked for your character at this level.
  • Upon leveling up, you will receive a Stat Point you can spend to raise any one of your characters' stats by +1. Raising your character's stats enables them to take on tougher Campaign rolls.
Level Rewards:
  • 5 x Breeding Slots (applied to Character)
  • 1 x Stat Points (given to User)
  • 500 x  Coin (given to User)
  • 1 x Treasure Map (given to User)