
Proper page to come but here's the basics:

  • There are 3 Stats, listed below
  • All characters start with 1 in each stat
  • Every time your character levels up, you receive a Stat point which you can use to give a character +1 on one of the stats below
  • You can use the items inside Training Chests on any character you like
  • Stats are currently only used during Campaigns to affect skill rolls after each prompt
  • As your character gains levels, their stats become inheritable
  • Certain gear may also raise stats
  • Training Chests can also be found in the dungeon
  • yea 👍


These are the stats:

Cunning (👁) 

For opportunity-seeking.
This stat represents a character's reaction time, dexterity, perceptiveness, deceptiveness.

Wisdom (⚖) 

For truth-seeking.
This stat represents a character's problem solving, strategy, self-control, investigation.

Might (⚔) 

For power-seeking.
This stat represents a character's physical strength and endurance, athleticism, tenacity.

Last updated: 30 July 2024, 18:02:39 EDT