

Crowned (Uncommon)

Category: White Marking


Crowned is a white marking (or group of markings) on top of a Courser's head.

Crowned is always vaguely symmetrical, and may be made of a single marking (with or without cut-outs) or an arrangement of small markings.
The shapes making up Crowned may be "unnatural" should be simple: stripes, spots, or splotches.
Crowned should not appear overly intricate. Crowned will never resemble religious symbols or lettering.
The edges of Crowned may be crisp or gradually blended into the base coat.

Genotype: Cw_
Locus: Shares a locus with Cuirass.

  • Coat: Crowned is a white marking.
  • Mane and Tail: Not affected.
  • Skin: Pink under marking.
  • Eyes: Not affected.
  • Hooves: Not affected.


  • Minimum: A symmetrical marking on the forehead, at least the size of the horse's eye.
  • Maximum: A symmetrical marking that covers the forehead, ears, and cheeks, but does not reach the muzzle.


  • Filigree: All modifications made to a Crowned marking by Filigree will be symmetrical.


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