

Blanched (Rare)

Category: White Marking

Blanched is a white marking that presents as lightening of the coat on the face and legs, like an inverse of Roan.

Blanched can be a subtle lightening of the base color or bold white.
Blanched should blend evenly and gradually into the coat.
Unless False Leopard is present, Blanched will not have holes or spots.

Genotype: B_
Locus:  Blanched, False Leopard

  • Coat: Blanched is a white marking.
  • Mane and Tail: Not affected.
  • Skin: Not affected.
  • Eyes: Not affected.
  • Hooves: Not affected.


  • Minimum: Subtle lightening of the coat on the pasterns and front of the face.
  • Maximum: Bold whitening of the coat on the head and upper half of the neck, and the entirety of the legs.


  • False Leopard: When Blanched and False Leopard are both present, False Leopard creates holes in Blanched markings rather than creating new lightened areas.
  • Roan: When Blanched and Roan are both present, Roan can be hidden.
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