

Tobiano (Common)

Category: White Marking

Tobiano is a vertical white marking that descends from the topline, most commonly the withers or croup.
Tobiano will not cause irregular face markings.
"Cat tracks" or holes in Tobiano markings are common.
Tobiano should have crisp, smooth curved edges.

Genotype: T_
Locus:  Tobiano is a KIT gene mutation, along with Roan, Sabino, and Dominant White. A horse may carry only two KIT gene mutations.

  • Coat: Tobiano is a white marking.
  • Mane and Tail: White where marking touches.
  • Skin: Pink underneath marking.
  • Eyes: Not affected.
  • Hooves: Cream where marking touches.


  • Minimum: White socks (at least halfway to the knees or hocks) on both front or both hind legs.
  • Maximum: White that covers most of the body except the head, ears, chest, and flanks.


  • Overo: When Tobiano and Overo are both present, the phenotype will read 'Tovero'
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