

Sabino (Uncommon)

Category: White Marking

Sabino is a white marking that spreads from the underside of the body, specifically from three areas: the throat, the elbow area, and the stifle area.
Sabino has jagged, speckled edges.  Minimal Sabino has crisp, clear edges, but higher-coverage Sabino causes Roan-like lightening and gradual edges.
As Sabino spreads, it remains more dense/extensive on the underside of the body.
Sabino causes irregular spreading of face markings, and can create bald face markings.

Genotype: Sb_
Locus:  Sabino is a KIT gene mutation, along with Roan, Tobiano, and Dominant White. A horse may carry only two KIT gene mutations.

  • Coat: Sabino is a white marking.
  • Mane and Tail: Mane will be white where marking touches. Gradients or white roots are acceptable.
  • Skin: Pink underneath marking.
  • Eyes: Not affected.
  • Hooves: Cream where marking touches.


  • Minimum: Sabino can be hidden entirely.
  • Maximum: Irregular white that spreads out from the throat, elbow, and stifle, with roaning and speckling around the edges.

Notable Variations:

  • Badger Face: A distinctive marking that resembles a "reverse blaze" with the base coat showing on the front of the face and white on either side.
  • Gulastra Plume: A white or partially-white tail with no other white visible on the body.
Example art by neb!
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