

Snowcap (Rare)

Category: White Marking

Snowcap is a white marking that expresses as a patch of white on the horse's croup.
Unlike Blanket, Snowcap is solid white, though there may be spots and speckles at its edges.

Genotype: LpLp patn
Locus:  Snowcap is part of the Leopard Complex group of patterns, along with Snowflake, Blanket, Leopard, Varnish Roan, and Fewspot.

  • Coat: Snowcap is a white marking.
  • Mane and Tail: Not affected, mostly. White roots on the tail are acceptable.
  • Skin: May cause pink speckled skin.
  • Eyes: Not affected.
  • Hooves: May cause tan-striped hooves.


  • Minimum: A white patch visible on the top third of the hindquarters.
  • Maximum: Patch of white that covers the barrel as far as the withers. Will not reach below the hocks on the hind legs, and will not affect the front legs at all. Has no effect on other white markings.
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