

Gray (Common)

Category: Modifier
Early Gray on Chestnut
Graying Chestnut
Advanced Gray on Chestnut


Gray is a lightening of the coat, mane, and tail that occurs over a horse's lifetime.
Gray horses are born as their base color and turn gradually whiter.
In Dungeon Coursers, you are not required to portray your Gray horse as turning whiter over time, but you may!
The white caused by Gray should be the same white as white markings; a fully-gray horse will not have visible white markings.
Eye, hoof, and skin color are not changed by Gray.

Genotype: G_
Locus:  Not shared with any known genes

  • Coat: Whitening of the base color. Gradients, dapples, and fleabites (see below) are acceptable.
  • Mane and Tail: Whitening of the base color. Gradients are acceptable.
  • Skin: Not affected.
  • Eyes: Not affected.
  • Hooves: Not affected.


  • Minimum: May be hidden entirely.
  • Maximum: Completely white coat, mane, and tail.

Acceptable Variations:

  • Fleabitten / Blood Marked: "Flea bites" are tiny spots of base coat that show through Gray, giving a freckled appearance. Fleabites should be visible over the entire body. A "blood mark" is a concentration of flea bites that creates an irregular patch of base coat; this is frequently called a "bloody shoulder" when on the neck or shoulder.
  • Dapple Gray: Horses will often gray in a dappled snowflake pattern; you may depict your horse with dapples of white over their base coat.
  Dappled gray
Fleabitten gray with "bloody shoulder"
Fully gray
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