Character Masterlist

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Owner Name Breed Variant Phenotype
Vole 4307: Foal (#13990) Dungeon Courser Puck Illuminated Phthalo Pearl Ether Gilt Blanket with Bend-or Spots
Kisha-Ra 4300: Import (#14739) Dungeon Courser Cavedweller Gray Illuminated Blanched Amber Champagne Gilt Leopard with Bend-or Spots, Birdcatcher Spots
Noxmaly 4274: Corey of the Heights Dungeon Courser Illuminated Pangare Gold Pearl with Pastiche
Hydrawxide 4265: Thorne Dungeon Courser Heraldic Illuminated Gold Pearl Overo
Princejackdaw 4226: Sunken Rot Dungeon Courser Heraldic Gray Sooty Illuminated Phthalo Pearl with Bend-or Spots, Brindle, Chimera, Geode, Pennant, Stained Glass, Swarf
lixelated 4222: Baby Blues Dungeon Courser Illuminated Smoky Cream Cuirass with Signet
LadyArcadian 4152: Cherish Dungeon Courser Heraldic Illuminated Crowned Woad Smoky Black Gilt Splash Tobiano (carries Ether) with Geode, Kintsugi, Stained Glass
Osphene 4125: Brune Dungeon Courser Illuminated Amber Champagne Overo (carries Ether) with Geode, Pastiche
Jeska 4114: Meringue Dungeon Courser Illuminated Cremello Tabard Splash Snowflake
neb 4111: Destrier Dungeon Courser Puck Illuminated Crowned Madder Ether Gilt Harlequin Cuirass with Chimera, Kintsugi, Pastiche
Frostwalker 4100: Marrol Dungeon Courser Gray Illuminated Amber Champagne False Leopard with Oracle
lixelated 4021: Soapsuds Dungeon Courser Illuminated Cold Ether False Leopard
hollow_forest 4018: Aphelios Dungeon Courser Illuminated Weld Ether Gilt Sabino
SaltwaterStier 3974: Teifi Dungeon Courser Heraldic Gray Sooty Illuminated Crowned Blanched Pangare Silver Ombre Ether Dun Gilt Opal Tabard Filigree Shroud Harlequin Rabicano Cuirass Overo Splash Tobiano Sabino False Leopard Blanket (carries Pearl, Flaxen) with Pastiche, Stained Glass
SarKalasia 3970: Import (#14678) Dungeon Courser Puck Illuminated Crowned Silver Woad Ether Gilt Shroud with Pastiche, Stained Glass
TSDTR 3947: 🟡 Joseph Dungeon Courser Cavedweller Illuminated Phthalo Pearl Tabard Shroud with Birdcatcher Spots, Oracle
North 3930: Alexandria Dungeon Courser Heraldic Flaxen Illuminated Gold Pearl Shroud Ossuary (carries Silver, Ether) with Kintsugi, Ore
Ali-Catswild 3905: Pluck Dungeon Courser Illuminated Madder Sabino with Stained Glass
jami 3877: Rivern Dungeon Courser Illuminated Pangare Woad Smoky Black with Pastiche
sharkivore 3852: Soldier Dungeon Courser Heraldic Illuminated Pangare Weld Dun Splash Tobiano (carries Silver) with Birdcatcher Spots, Stained Glass
NARANDA 3829: Layan Dungeon Courser Illuminated Woad Cream Champagne Tobiano with Signet
sharkscry 3791: Yukio Dungeon Courser Puck Dominant White Weld Ether Dun Roan Tabard Overo False Leopard Blanket (carries Silver) with Kintsugi, Stained Glass
almosttooquiet 3734: Stanton Dungeon Courser Illuminated Weld
Nyrathis 3729: Ace Dungeon Courser Illuminated Weld Champagne
209 results found.