Ziw's Undesigned Genos
Option 1:
- Genotype: Ee Aa TpCr nSb nTd + Geode, Stained Glass
- Phenotype: Madder Buckskin Tabard Sabino with Geode, Stained Glass
- Temperament: Sanguine
Option 2:
- Genotype: Ee aa prlprl nSb nLp + Brindle, Oracle
- Phenotype: Black Pearl Sabino Snowflake with Brindle, Oracle
- Temperament: Sanguine
Submission (#5274)
Option 1:
- Variant: Puck
- Genotype: EE Aa nCh nZ
- Phenotype: Silver Amber Champagne
- Temperament: Choleric
Option 2:
- Variant: Puck
- Genotype: EE Aa nCh
- Phenotype: Amber Champagne
- Temperament: Melancholic
Submission (#4313)