Banriion's Undesigned Genos

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee aa Tpprl ner nHq nRb nB nCw nOs nSpl nOp nTd nP + Birdcatcher Spots, Geode, Oracle, Pastiche
  • Phenotype: Crowned Blanched Pangare Ochre Pearl Opal Tabard Harlequin Rabicano Ossuary Splash (carries Ether) with Birdcatcher Spots, Geode, Oracle, Pastiche
  • Temperament: Sanguine

This foal is a twin.
Submission (#16109)
Perfect Rose (#18427)

Option 1:

  • Variant: Puck✨
  • Genotype: EE aa nTp Cher patn
  • Phenotype: Woad Champagne (carries Ether)
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: Ee Aa nTp ner nLp patn nGl nD
  • Phenotype: Madder Dun Gilt Blanket (carries Ether)
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Submission (#18349)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: EE Aa CrCr nRb
  • Phenotype: Perlino Rabicano
  • Temperament: Sanguine

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee aa erer nT ff
  • Phenotype: Flaxen Cold Ether Tobiano
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#18276)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee aa TpCr ChCh nFl 
  • Phenotype: Woad Cream Champagne False Leopard
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee aa Tpprl nRb LpLp patnpatn + Oracle
  • Phenotype: Ochre Pearl Rabicano Fewspot with Oracle
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Submission (#17680)
Blooming Herb (#18371)
Clean Herb (#18371)
Red Herb (#18371)

Option 1:

  • Variant: Heraldic✨
  • Genotype: EE Aa prlprl ner nRb nLp patn
  • Phenotype: Bay Pearl Rabicano Blanket (carries Ether)
  • Temperament: Sanguine

Option 2:

  • Genotype: EE aa Crprl ner nRb patn + Swarf
  • Phenotype: Smoky Black Pearl Rabicano (carries Ether, patn) with Swarf
  • Temperament: Sanguine

Submission (#17390)

Option 1:

  • Heraldic✨
  • Genotype: Ee aa Tpprl ner HqHq nRb nB nCw nOs nSpl patn OpOp nTd nD nP nSty + Oracle, Vitiligo
  • Phenotype: Sooty Crowned Blanched Pangare Phthalo Pearl Dun Opal Tabard Harlequin Rabicano Ossuary Splash (carries Ether, patn) with Oracle, Vitiligo
  • Temperament: Sanguine

This foal is a twin.
Submission (#16109)
Perfect Rose (#18427)