[HARD] Make Camp, or Break It.

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Stepping through the frowning door was made at least twenty times worse by Seance's comments of being consumed. Little horror obsessed thing, he thinks a little bitterly to him. Granted he's glad it's never exactly as she said. One step in and he prepares for the worse, and yet, it seems to be their escape. A large breath escapes him, not even realizing how much he was holding his breath as he passed through the door.

"All good." he mutters to the others as he treads farther into the area. They are able to travel for a few more hours, before they seem to hit a good spot to make camp. "Think this will probably be the best place to rest for a while, sleep a little before making headway. See what's around us and met back at camp for a plan?" he asks the other as he already has no shame dropping his supplies and getting a nice little place set up. A blanket roll on the ground Giovanni can't suppress the moan he gives out as he finally gets off his legs for a moment. Even Asoroth slinks off of him to stretch out her body. "Mhmmm." he mutters gently.



The bay follows close behind Giovanni and Bug, uncertain and ready to take off into the darkness once more if necessary. Despite the fact that his muscles felt entirely spring loaded, the pathway seemed safe enough as no dangers lurched out at them.

Heading deeper into the dungeon, hours pass, and he begins to realize just how tired he is. Glancing at Giovanni as the pale horse speaks of making camp, he nods. “Rest sounds good.” He mutters, simply dropping his gear to the ground before laying down himself, tucking his legs beneath him with a yawn. 

“Maybe we nap a bit and then split up, see if we can find a good path and meet back here to vote? Could go in pairs if we don’t wanna split up entirely. Safety in numbers and all that while still covering more ground.” 



Seance pass through the door following behind the others ."Huh nothing happened." Strange she thinks, before it had seemed so quick to react to everything. Getting out of one puzzle just meant that landed in another one. So of course she can't help herself but wonder when will something else come along.

Nothing ever did, an hour ticked by and soon the group was making camp. She rolls out her own things, not minding when a few loose teeth seem to scatter off. "I'll get those in a moment." she says as Haunt flickers over the three teeth as if ensuring she will not forget. "Haunt no one else will take my teeth." she ensures the red wisp, who seems to glow angry before darting into her bag hiding from sight.

As she moves to rest on her side, she can't help but agree with the others. "Sleep would be nice, we have done lots of running." she remarks as she looks into her bag, pulling out a jar of honey, fruit pressed inside of it as she offers a piece to the others. "Honey helps preserve it some. Why sometimes when bugs get caught in honey, it can stay as is even if their body should have decomposed." she says as she pulls out a piece of pear for herself from the jar. Sweet as can be, a little treat for her, she'll add in the teeth to the honey later.



As the rest of the party begins to settle in, Bug lowers his head to let Wart hop down. “Suppose this is as good a place as any.” He mutters, watching the toad flop dramatically on the ground before hopping after a bug and snapping it into his jaws.

“Should we take turns keeping watch? Or do you think your wisp could maybe keep a lookout for us, Seance?” He ventures, settling in himself, getting comfortable as he can. Wart hops back over to him, hopping back up onto the equine’s head, settling in his forelock, earning an affectionate eye roll from Bug. 

He glances at Seance as she speaks, taking a bit of the offered fruit. Anything sounded good right now, and Bug had always had a sweet tooth. Humming appreciatively as he eats the sweet treat, he nods to Seance in thanks. “That’s really good. Thank you.” He says gently. Maybe she wasn’t all bad…. Just… strange. 



He watches as Séance offers her little honey coated fruit, see's Bug take a piece and well if he hadn't dropped dead yet, surely it was safe. Taking a piece for himself he offers her a thanks. He listens to others and nods his head at the suggestion of Haunt looking over for them. Does the thing even need sleep?

Seance seems to agree in her odd way, and Giovanni lets out another sigh. "Good, could use a damn nap." he mutters as he flips to lay on his side with a groan. Stretching out his legs, not carrying at the way some of his joints pop. It's been a long day. "We'll look around after some sleep, see our best plan of option." he remarks with a stifled yawn. Eyes glance over to Dae as he seems to rest a bit as well. "Night." he says softly to the bay. No one else needs to know... or hear it.



The bay is already half asleep by the time Seance is sharing honey coated fruits, and he’s too tired to care about eating much of anything. Stretching out, he hums softly, glancing over at Giovanni does the same. His ears flick back a bit at the sound of the pale horse’s joints popping unnaturally, finding himself surprisingly concerned for the others' well being. It's strange, he thinks, considering how much they'd been at each other's throats... and yet, something about the pale horse draws him in regardless. 

Still, his concern is short lived as Giovanni seems unfazed, so he chooses not to dwell on it, though the sound of the other’s quiet word catches him off guard. “Uh.. yeah. Night..” He replies, a near whisper only for Giovanni to hear. 


She smiles and nods along. "Haunt will look after us, Haunt is good. Knows how to survive." she responds, before seeming to nearly flip to her back, to rest, body positioning itself into an odd shape. All for comfort, if it looks as if she is already dead not many will come and bother her. A fool proof plan, and if it backfires, well all she has to do is talk about death and it seems to have many scattering away.

"Goodnight don't let the carrion crawlers bite..." she says softly, and even softer whispering out. "Family." perhaps only a family for a short while, but this is the longest she has had a family yet, and beggars can't be choosers. So out of all the families she has had, she thinks perhaps this one is her favorite. As Seance slowly drifts to sleep, a small smile grows on her face.

Bug is the last to fall asleep and the first to wake. He’d never slept well in the dungeon, and even a short nap felt taboo in some ways. The dark caverns housed far too many dangers for one to ever truly feel safe, and even among a small group of adventurers who seemed competent enough, it felt as if he couldn’t really relax.

Still, he did choose to take advantage of the break, resting however he could, even if it wasn’t quite sleep. He allowed the others to nap a little longer before eventually waking them, knowing that remaining stagnant for too long would make them a target for something far bigger and scarier than they’d previously faced. 

Standing slowly to stretch, he nudges Seance gently. “Come on. Time to get a move on.”



He grumbles a bit as the others seems to slowly get up, can hear Bug telling Seance to get up. Supposes he should do the same even though he wouldn't mind a little bit more sleep. That was until Asoroth bit at his ear. "Fucking fine I am getting up." he scowls a bit as he slowly gets up to all fours. Glancing to the others just to ensure they were still here and okay.

He raises a hoof to nudge at the bay a bit. "Gotta get a move on. I think we all would like to see the sun again." he mutters as he prods the bay gently. Looking over to the other two, he rolls his shoulders as he asks, "So think we should find a wall and just follow it around, see where it leads us?" he asks the others. Maybe someone else has a better idea, but at least he is offering something.



The bay startles awake as he's nudged, leaping to his hooves ready for a fight, only to see Giovanni instead. "Oh. 's just you." He mutters, relaxing a bit as he shakes himself off, shaggy mane hanging in front of his face. 

Hearing Gi's comment, he barks out a laugh. "Who needs the sun when you practically glow in the dark?" He quips, leaning into a deep bow to stretch his back with a pained groan. 

"Sounds like a good enough plan to me. Maybe we go left and the other two go right? Meet back here in an hour or so and decide what we wanna do from there?" 


"I am awake." she remarks wide bloodshot looking eyes stare up at Bug. "Thank you." she says as she moves easily to stand up. No aches on her, body adapted to sleeping like this. All she has ever known is this place, the surface is not a place she was made for. 

At the mention of splitting up she nods. "Yes we will meet back, I hope to see you two again. If not I will ensure Haunt will find your bodies. We can bring them back to your families." she adds in. She would drag their rotting corpses up to the surface it was needed. It was what family does right. "Let us part, let us not rot." she responds dipping her head to the white and bay, before looking to Big. "Let us descend." she smiles as she leads the way. Haunt following after her, but not before twirling around Bug and trailing after Seance.



Nodding slightly in response to Seance as she thanks him, he watches as the trio stands, listening to the conversation as his ears flick a bit anxiously. “Yeah…. Alright..” He mutters, a bit irritated that he’d be left alone with the most unnerving member of their little group. At least he still has Wart. As if understanding Bug’s concern, he plaps his feet against bugs withers with a reassuring croak. 

Those concerns were not assuaged at all as Seance spoke of finding their bodies and bringing them to the surface. Creepy. 

Still, if that's all it is - just a little creepy and unnerving, he can deal he decides. "See ya later then..." He mutters to Dae and Gi as he turns.  Following after Seance, he hums softly, an attempt to calm his own fears as they descend deeper into the darkness in search of a pathway that might lead them to the next treasure the dungeon might hold.



An arched brow at the words of Seance he tells himself to just let it roll off his back, she means well... in her own very special way. Granted maybe he should feel a little bad sticking Bug with lady death, but no one objected sooo really should he even feel bad. "Good luck to ya, later." he nods to the pair watching them head off onto their own path. Wants to make sure they aren't hit with trouble right off the bat. When it seems like it's clear, he turns to Dae with a smirk. "Ready bedhead?" she snorts a bit as he moves to push Dae. 

"Think you can lead this little round about ya?" he says with a cheshire grin as he makes sure he's following along, a little behind Dae. "Surprised you've put up with all of this so far." or me, is left unsaid. He knows his attitude and mannerism, isn't for everyone. Not everyone enjoys the little love spats he gives. Though he catches himself looking for Dae, sort of hoping the bay isn't sick of him already.



“Yeah…sure. Definitely not looking to rot. Stay safe out there.” Dae grumbles a bit in response to Seance, shifting his attention to Giovanni as he speaks, shoving the white horse with his shoulder. “Ready as ever glow worm.” He mutters back with a smirk of his own.

“Sure, stay close, wouldn’t wanna lose ya. Need a good meat shield down here.” He laughs, nipping at Giovanni’s mane to tug at it almost playfully as he heads deeper into the dungeon. “Alright, lets see what we can find.”

--------------------------------1 Hour Later----------------------------------------


Seance frowns as it seems to continue onwards. "Well no issue thus far. Think we should return back to the others?" she turns to look at Bug. It seems this path may be safe, or endless, which is... less safe. One could go mad in tunnels that never end, Risk turning around to erase progress, or continue onwards in hopes of something. The descent of madness, she thinks with a nod.

"Can see how some lose their way here, how many just end themselves, even turn on their own kind." she says to Bug as she moves to turn back around to head to their little campsite. "I have came across a few, those twisted and turned from the dungeons themselves. What a sight to behold, even here, we can change and evolve. Interesting yes?" she hums softly as Haunt trails after her. Though the closer she gets to camp she hears some noises. "Oh have the others already returned?" she asks and as she steps forwards and sees this is not her family at all. Eyes narrow as she nearly seems to hiss, all while Haunt glows brightly, nearly looking as if it is sizzling with anger itself. "How dare..." she paws at the ground, suddenly letting out a shrill cry Seance charges at the thieves.

Bug only half listens as Seance rambles on about the dungeons, mutterings of madness, death, and mutilation simply things he doesn’t particularly want to dwell on as they venture into the darkness. Still, the time passes quickly, and for the most part, the path they’ve found seems safe and clear enough. Even Wart seems to be enjoying himself, snapping up a bug everynow and then as they venture too close. 

Glancing up at Seance as she mentions heading back, he nods. “Yeah, sounds like as good an idea as any. Path seems clear enough to share. Wonder if the others have fared any better.” He muses, walking beside Seance, ears flicking a bit as they finally approach the camp. The sounds aren’t familiar - too many for it to simply be Dae and Gi, and far too disruptive as if…

Stepping back into the clearing, his gaze settles on the thieves with a sigh. Perhaps they could negotiate somethi- his thought is cut short as Seance charges into the fray, eyes blazing. “Well shit…” He mutters, preparing himself for a fight. 


Another curse as they hit another dead end. Nothing, but fucking dead ends. "We're gonna die here." he grumbles as he kicks at the stone below his hooves. "I'm tired of this, think the others have had any luck?" he asks as he turns around. Ready to be out of all these dead ends they keep stumbling into. It's tiring and he can already feel his anger brewing deep within his chest.

Hopefully the others have better luck, no.. they better have better luck than them. If not well guess they are dying here like Seance seems so eager to do. Reckless death kisser, he thinks with a huff. Still he nips at Dae's ear playfully, tugging it a bit before he moves a bit faster, a shrill scream is heard, he moves faster.

"Fuck." he curses as he speeds up, only to see a group looting their items and Seance and Bug seeming to run into the fray.  Well at least he has something to take his anger out. "Let's see what your made of bedhead." he grins before his ears pin back to his skull. Teeth bared as he rushes forwards, at least they have the advantage of attacking from two different sides. Got to count for something right?


“Oh shut your yapping. It’s just a dead end. Again.” Daemon groans, stamping a hoof against the stone beneath him. “I’m sure the others found Something. Should get back anyway.” He adds, already turning to head back.

As they near their camp, he snorts as Giovanni nips at his ear playfully, huffing as he moves to chase after the other, only to freeze as he hears the shrill sound of Seance’s screech. Hearing Giovanni’s challenge, he smirks, charging into the fray alongside the pale horse.

“Stronger stuff than you!” He taunts back, rearing up as he charges at one of the thieves. 

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[HARD] Make Camp, or Break It.
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In Campaigns ・ By howeverwilde, Soren

3rd Campaign, part 5! See part 4 Here, See part 3 Here, See part 2 Here, See part 1 Here

Your party advances into the dungeon.
You head back to your makeshift camp to rest after a brief but perilous exploration of a pit nearby. When you return, you find that another adventuring party has taken up residence and is rummaging through your treasure! Diplomacy is ineffective; these ruffians won't move unless you move them.

Your party must make a Might check to take back their camp!


Submitted By Soren for Campaign - Hard
Submitted: 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 weeks ago

howeverwilde: writer (Gio, Séance)
Soren: writer (Dae, Bug)
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