4950: Graham's Links

Relationship Status: coworkers(?)

I can't tell if she likes me or hates me. It makes me a bit nervous, but I know she finds me helpful and I do my best not to get in anyones way.


He's got a good personality I think, but it worries me how much he does without compesation. He really doesnt need to hang around so much, I can handle my chores just fine on my own.. 

Relationship Status: ???

They have such a calming presence,  it makes me feel at ease and able to relax. I have never felt this way before, I am usually so anxious. 

I help around as an excuse to stay, I don't need much and I'd give anything to keep this feeling of peace around me. 

He technically doesn't work for me, but helps around the place from time to time anyway. 

Reliable, strong, knowledgable about fixing things up. All good things to have around, but I can't really pay him so he just gets free food once a day for the assistance. 

Not sure why he sticks around but I'll say I appreciate it very much.