2056: Lord Hellios of Heaven's Court's Links

Relationship Status: Employer and Employee

"I haven't much to say if you're asking about us professionally. Morgen is my most trusted servant, and it's nothing more than that."

Hellios looks away for a moment. 

"...Although in our times alone, I could not ask for a better courser to talk to. However, I must not let our moments of intimacy displace my status, and so the conversations are purely for an outlet of my stress and nothing more."

"I'm Lord Hellios' most trusted servant...and somewhat of an advisor. He doesn't often go out to explore, but when he does it is unlikely he goes entirely alone. Although he does well to manage his home, I put in most of the effort to keep the rest of the staff on time."

Morgen sighs.

"Early mornings or late nights are not uncommon for his highness to become more vulnerable. I tend to be the listening ear that he begs for, but I do not intend to think of these moments as nothing more than an outlet for him."