Geno Masterlist

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee aa nCh nB
  • Phenotype: Blanched Classic Champagne
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee Aa CrCr nLp nD
  • Phenotype: Cremello Dun Snowflake
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3969)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: EE Aa CrCr nRb nZ
  • Phenotype: Silver Perlino Rabicano
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: EE AA CrCr nCu nO nLu
  • Phenotype: Illuminated Perlino Cuirass Overo
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Submission (#3959)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: EE aa nD
  • Phenotype: Grullo Dun
  • Temperament: Sanguine

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee Aa nSpl
  • Phenotype: Chestnut Splash
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Submission (#3956)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: ee AA TpCr nRb
  • Phenotype: Weld Palomino Rabicano
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: Ee AA prlprl nSpl LpLp patn
  • Phenotype: Bay Pearl Splash Snowcap
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Submission (#3918)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee Aa TpCr nRb nZ
  • Phenotype: Silver Madder Buckskin Rabicano
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: Ee aa prlprl nD
  • Phenotype: Black Pearl Dun
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3907)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: ee Aa TpCr nO nSb nGl nTd + Chimera, Oracle
  • Phenotype: Weld Palomino Gilt Tabard Overo Sabino with Chimera, Oracle
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee Aa TpTp erer GlGl nTd + Bend-or Spots, Oracle
  • Phenotype: Weld Ether Gilt Tabard with Bend-or Spots, Oracle
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Submission (#3904)

Blooming Herb (#5917)

Blooming Herb (#5917)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: EE AA nT
  • Phenotype: Bay Tobiano
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: EE Aa nLp
  • Phenotype: Bay Snowflake
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Submission (#3895)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee aa nCh nTd
  • Phenotype: Classic Champagne Tabard
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: EE aa TpCr nCu
  • Phenotype: Woad Smoky Black Cuirass
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Submission (#3891)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: EE AA Tpprl nRn nSpl
  • Phenotype: Tyrian Pearl Roan Splash
  • Temperament: Sanguine

Option 2:

  • Genotype: Ee Aa CrCr nGl
  • Phenotype: Perlino Gilt
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Submission (#3875)
Blooming Herb (#6703)
Sweet Herb (#6703)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee AA nTp nT nSpl + Kintsugi
  • Phenotype: Madder Splash Tobiano with Kintsugi
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee aa nTp nP
  • Phenotype: Pangare Weld
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Submission (#3857)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: EE Aa nCr nCh nCw nLp + Stained Glass
  • Phenotype: Crowned Amber Cream Champagne Snowflake with Stained Glass
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: EE Aa nCr ChCh nG
  • Phenotype: Gray on Amber Cream Champagne
  • Temperament: Sanguine

Submission (#3853)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee AA erer nTd
  • Phenotype: Ombre Ether Tabard
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee Aa CrCr nP
  • Phenotype: Pangare Cremello
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Submission (#3848))

Option 1:

  • Genotype: ee Aa CrCr nLp nCw
  • Phenotype: Crowned Cremello Snowflake
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: EE AA nCh nLp nGl
  • Phenotype: Amber Champagne Gilt Snowflake 
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Submission (#3847)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee aa nCr nT + Pastiche
  • Phenotype: Smoky Black Tobiano with Pastiche
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: Ee Aa nTp nG
  • Phenotype: Gray Madder
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Submission (#3839)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee Aa Tpprl nB nP
  • Phenotype: Blanched Pangare Tyrian Pearl
  • Temperament: Sanguine

Option 2:

  • Genotype: Ee AA erer nLp patn
  • Phenotype: Ombre Ether Blanket
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Submission (#3833)
Red Herb (#7951)
Blooming Herb (#7951)
Sweet Herb (#15461)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: ee Aa erer ff + Brindle
  • Phenotype: Flaxen Cold Ether with Brindle
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: EE Aa TpCr nTd
  • Phenotype: Madder Buckskin Tabard
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3810)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee aa nCr nD + Kintsugi
  • Phenotype: Smoky Black Dun with Kintsugi
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee Aa nCr nO
  • Phenotype: Palomino Overo
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3783)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee AA nTp nT
  • Phenotype: Madder Tobiano
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: EE AA nCr nLp patn nLu
  • Phenotype: Illuminated Buckskin Blanket
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3765)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee AA nSpl + Birdcatcher Spots, Kintsugi
  • Phenotype: Bay Splash with Birdcatcher Spots, Kintsugi
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee aa nG + Oracle, Vitiligo
  • Phenotype: Gray Chestnut with Oracle, Vitiligo
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3743)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee Aa nRn
  • Phenotype: Bay Roan
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee aa nT
  • Phenotype: Chestnut Tobiano
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3720)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee Aa nSpl
  • Phenotype: Bay Splash
  • Temperament: Sanguine

Option 2:

  • Genotype: EE AA nRn
  • Phenotype: Bay Roan
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3717)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: EE Aa erer nLp patnpatn
  • Phenotype: Ombre Ether Leopard
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: Ee AA nCh nP + Signet
  • Phenotype: Pangare Amber Champagne with Signet
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3713)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee Aa prlprl Cher nSty + Bend-or Spots
  • Phenotype: Sooty Bay Pearl Champagne (carries Ether) with Bend-or Spots
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee aa nZ
  • Phenotype: Chestnut (carries Silver)
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Submission (#3709)
Bitter Blossom (#6998)
Bitter Blossom (#6998)
Red Herb (#6998)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee AA nD
  • Phenotype: Bay Dun
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: EE aa nSty
  • Phenotype: Sooty Black
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Submission (#3705)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: EE aa nTp nZ + Kintsugi
  • Phenotype: Silver Woad with Kintsugi
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Variant: ✨Puck
  • Genotype: EE Aa nCr nG nSb
  • Phenotype: Gray Buckskin Sabino
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3690)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: EE AA erer nRb
  • Phenotype: Ombre Ether Rabicano
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee aa erer nCu nLp patnpatn + Birdcatcher Spots
  • Phenotype: Cold Ether Cuirass Leopard with Birdcatcher Spots
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Submission (#3675)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee Aa nSpl + Stained Glass
  • Phenotype: Bay Splash with Stained Glass
  • Temperament: Sanguine

Option 2:

  • Genotype: EE AA nD + Birdcatcher Spots
  • Phenotype: Bay Dun with Birdcatcher Spots
  • Temperament: Sanguine

Submission (#3670)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: EE AA TpCr nSpl
  • Phenotype: Madder Buckskin Splash
  • Temperament: Phlegmatic

Option 2:

  • Genotype: Ee AA prlprl nGl
  • Phenotype: Bay Pearl Gilt
  • Temperament: Melancholic

Submission (#3665)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: Ee AA nCh nFl nLp patn + Ore, Stained Glass
  • Phenotype: Amber Champagne False Leopard Blanket with Ore, Stained Glass
  • Temperament: Choleric

Option 2:

  • Genotype: Ee aa TpCr nB ff + Pastiche, Vitiligo
  • Phenotype: Blanched Woad Smoky Black (carries Flaxen) with Pastiche, Vitiligo
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3645)

Option 1:

  • Genotype: EE AA TpCr nRb + Pastiche
  • Phenotype: Madder Buckskin Rabicano with Pastiche
  • Temperament: Sanguine

Option 2:

  • Genotype: ee AA TpCr nG
  • Phenotype: Gray Weld Palomino
  • Temperament: Choleric

Submission (#3642)

3529 results found.