Character Masterlist
Owner | Name | Breed | Variant | Phenotype |
vveevils | 2154: Troilus | Dungeon Courser | Sooty Pangare Weld Palomino Sabino with Kintsugi, Swarf | |
fyre | 2144: Arun | Dungeon Courser | Heraldic | Gray Sooty Weld Palomino Dun Roan Gilt Filigree Cuirass Sabino (carries Ether) with Geode, Ore |
Snek | 2136: Osmanthus | Dungeon Courser | Puck | Sooty Woad Cream Ether Gilt Splash (carries Filigree) with Birdcatcher Spots |
ari | 2128: Zefira | Dungeon Courser | Sooty Blanched Chestnut Cuirass (carries Pearl, Ether) | |
JayTheBird | 2122: Tempest | Dungeon Courser | Gray Sooty Ombre Cream Ether Dun Roan Gilt Tabard Cuirass Splash Tobiano False Leopard (carries Filigree) with Brindle | |
Snek | 2121: Fennel | Dungeon Courser | Puck | Sooty Cremello Snowcap |
Esk | 2117: Faerrah | Dungeon Courser | Puck | Gray Sooty Illuminated Pangare Gold Cream Pearl Champagne Dun Roan Gilt Opal Tabard Filigree Cuirass Splash Tobiano Blanket (carries Silver, Ether) with Bend-or Spots, Brindle, Kintsugi |
Princejackdaw | 2108: Carcer | Dungeon Courser | Heraldic | Dominant White Sooty Crowned Blanched Pangare Woad Champagne Roan Tabard (carries Ether) with Geode, Pastiche, Stained Glass |
Princejackdaw | 2106: Hark | Dungeon Courser | Sooty Woad Tobiano with Kintsugi, Pennant | |
reinette | 2094: 🌻 | Danica | Dungeon Courser | Gray Sooty Gold Pearl with Signet, Vitiligo | |
golden-boy | 2089: Karellian | Dungeon Courser | Sooty Blanched Silver Woad Gilt (carries Ether) with Geode, Stained Glass, Swarf | |
Riptide | 2086: Rook | Dungeon Courser | Sooty Pangare Bay Splash with Ore | |
AberrantKapro | 2084: Jinchuriki | Dungeon Courser | Sooty Bay Overo | |
ShrimpytheMantis | 2076: Cairn | Dungeon Courser | Heraldic | Crowned Pangare Bay Pearl with Pennant |
AberrantKapro | 2071: Bellamy | Dungeon Courser | Heraldic | Sooty Crowned Blanched Silver Madder Cream Champagne Gilt Cuirass Fewspot (carries Flaxen) with Bend-or Spots, Vitiligo |
sharkscry | 2051: Hide | Dungeon Courser | Pangare Gold Pearl Dun with Swarf | |
junelune | 2047: Ragnvard | Dungeon Courser | Sooty Blanched Weld Overo with Birdcatcher Spots, Stained Glass | |
Princejackdaw | 2042: Century | Dungeon Courser | Gray Sooty Madder with Signet | |
NARANDA | 2011: Ofri | Dungeon Courser | Heraldic | Sooty Pangare Buckskin Snowflake with Kintsugi |
emferno | 2008: Achra | Dungeon Courser | Sooty Cremello Dun with Chimera, Kintsugi | |
gliitchgunk | 2003: Esmond | Dungeon Courser | Sooty Crowned Silver Black Pearl Ether Splash Tobiano with Geode, Pennant | |
JayTheBird | 2002: Niamh | Dungeon Courser | Heraldic | Gray Sooty Madder Cream Ether Dun Gilt Tabard Cuirass Splash False Leopard (carries Filigree) with Brindle, Pennant, Swarf |
Osphene | 1998: Laniaitte | Dungeon Courser | Heraldic | Dominant White Gray Sooty Madder Cream Champagne |
springfoss | 1988: Achan | Dungeon Courser | Sooty Bay |
608 results found.