The time has come to soothe the dead
Once a year, when summer fades,
Chance puts aside his escapades.
The Harvest Moon swells heavy red;
The time has come to soothe the dead.
First, the orc in the boar-tusked helm,
By battle-thrill, tied to this realm,
He meets her charge with pounding chest
Flesh strikes fog; her spirit rests.
Second, the dwarf with the goat-horn axe,
For all her swings, earth never cracks.
Something lies buried that rings like a gong,
Once Chance digs it free, her spirit moves on.
Third, the elf with the hind on her boots,
Eyes bandaged over, she stumbles on roots.
He whickers to lead her to wide, open sky,
With the stars on her skin, she dims with a sigh.
Last, the human with the horsehead arms,
She calls for her steed, thinking not of their harm,
Did they die in her war, this courser she rode?
Let the Harvester take her; it's more than she's owed.
The human ghosts you encounter while serving the Harvester bear a sigil you may recognize: a pentacle with two Coursers’ heads laid over it, each appearing to bite the other in the neck. This same sigil marks much of the human armor found in the Moor of Sleep. Others, however – especially humanoids of other species – bear different sigils on their banners and armor. You may meet an orc bearing a fabulously-tusked boar, a dwarf bearing a maned goat, or an elf bearing a thin hind. Who are these restless spirits? How do you interact with them?
Submitted By lixelated
Submitted: 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month ago