[DD3] Both Say Friend

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This was not the first time Terrence had been asked by Euele to escort her down in the dungeon. And something told him it wouldn't be the last, either. Both of them very much enjoyed the other's companionship, and even if Euele was definitely gathering research and knowledge for her own dives, it was a lot of fun. Every time they set up camp, they'd taken to playing small games, either with cards or gambling cool rocks or sticks they'd found along the way. Terrence wasn't going to say it, but he really valued their little dives together, for him, it was almost like a vacation. Even if they ran into trouble, Euele was more than capable of handling most things and so with a little teamwork most of their dives went smoothly as just about anything.

Right now though? Things were not going smoothly. Terrence stared over his pack at Euele. She was staring hard at her cards, her steely eyes squinting as she contemplated what card to play. He on the other hand was desperately hoping to bluff his way out of this situation, staring down at his absolutely horrible hand and almost wishing his glaring might intimidate the cards into turning into something better. If he just looked confident enough, maybe she wouldn't risk her best cards? It wasn't that they were even playing for something super important, Terrence just didn't like to lose. 

"So. If I win this round, I get to ask you a question?" She asked slowly, gaze flicking up from her hidden cards to meet his gaze. 

"Yes. And if I win, I get to ask you a question. But it shouldn't be a question that you yourself wouldn't answer. And either side may, upon answer the question of the winner, ask the same question of them." He clarified. They had only just started playing, switching from gambling for some little bits of volcanic glass they'd found in the furnace, to this interesting game. He had indeed been the one to suggest it, wanting to eventually use it as an excuse to ask her if she considered him a friend.

She gave a little nod, her expression blank as she went ahead and set her cards, face down, on top of Acherna, the tiny dragon had fallen deeply asleep atop their makeshift table long ago, but neither of them had had the heart to move her. "Cool."

He heaved a sigh, selecting his cards and laying them down next to Euele's. "Alright. Flip em over." He said, slowly flipping his. Euele flipped her cards, far less slowly than he had, seemingly confident in her cards. And she had every right to be, easily winning the hand. Terrence snorted. "Okay. Before you get to ask me a question, I want to know how in the fires you got such a good poker face. Because I just feel like that wasn't even fair." 

She beamed. "I see how it is. Already bending the rules are we? I'll bite anyways." She took the stack of cards from the side of the pack and started handing out some more as she started to explain. "I have two older siblings and three younger siblings, and eventually you have got to know how to keep a straight face. Also, I have to deal with Jonas and with him, it's either constantly expressing disgust and frustration or just not expressing. He likes getting reactions, I learned that the hard way the first time meeting him, and since he kinda hired me to lead him and his crew into the dungeon I've gotten even better at keeping my expressions to myself." 

He chuckled, taking his new hand and leaning them up right against his foreleg. "I see, this Jonas fellow sounds like a piece of work." 

"Oh he is. Without a doubt, he is." Her tail flicked and she hummed. "Now then, to claim my prize... Are you the first in your family to dungeon dive?" 

Terrence blinked. "Wait a second... you've never seen my family's crest before?" Disbelief spilled over his expression as he stared, mouth agape. When she shook her head, he let out an amused, if not vexed, laugh. "I see. Well. My family were some of the first to delve into the dungeon. My family has a long history of breaking records and discovering some of the greatest finds in the dungeons. We've been at this for generations and always have been at the top. To say my family is star-studded would be... well almost an understatement. I am simply the hottest new face in the long line of record-breaking." He boasted, puffing up his chest and lifting his head. "I followed very closely in my great-great-great grandfather's steps and was the first dungeon courser to cross the geyser field in the last level." 

"Impressive. I've seen the geyser fields, that's no small task." Euele said, clearly impressed but not blown away. Unlike other coursers, she wasn't the type to immediately swoon at all his accomplishments. 

"What about you?" He was curious. She had all the right stuff for being a dungeon diver, but in all honesty, he knew nothing about her. And unlike him, she didn't bear a coat of arms for all to see, so there was no guessing where she came from.

She shrugged. "I think I'm the first? My family doesn't really keep track of who did what. They farm oats and grasses and sell them to the adventurer guilds. It doesn't make the most money, but it's enough that my family's been doing it for generations. I think they could've become lords far in the past, but it doesn't surprise me that they just didn't do it. My family has been humble as long as anyone I know can remember. My younger brothers want to come down into the dungeon some time, but, I've pretty much banned them from doing so. I don't want my family to risk themselves for nothing." 

"Do you doubt they'd be safe down here?" Terrence couldn't help but ask, deeply curious. He could hardly imagine being that concerned for any of his family members that came down into the dungeon. 

"Not exactly. I just don't think they're cut out for it. I've seen wonderful things down here, but I've also seen so, so many skeletons of coursers that came before us. Nameless faces that were lost and never recovered. My family is hardly remembered anyways. I do not want to lose them forever to the dungeon, not when it would take them and their legacy." She shook her head. "The call isn't strong for them. It doesn't lull them to sleep or wake them up. It's hardly noticeable to them."

Terrence stared down at his hooves quietly. "I see. It wouldn't be worth it." 

She nodded slowly. "We have no fame to save us." 

Terrence felt his mouth go dry at her words. He had never really thought about it. But she was right. If he or one of his family members went missing for just a little too long, parties would go out in search for them. But for some nameless farmer? Would they even be missed by anyone but their family? The thought felt morbid and sour, leaving a bad taste in his mouth as he tried to shake it away. "I... I can understand that." The words hardly flew a foot away from him before falling in a slow, wisping, flutter to the floor where they cracked into a million pieces and turned to smoke.

Euele looked away. "I-I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry Terrence." She pulled Acherna off the table and towards her chest, the little drake waking up just enough to cling to her long, silky fur as Euele sought comfort from the little creature. "I didn't mean to sour our game." 

He jerked his head up to stare at her. "No, Euele. Do not apologize. I was aware that my family's legacy made me special somehow but I never really thought about how easily it could be the only thing getting me out of some of the scrapes I've gotten into. Thinking about feels so strange." He would never let anyone he met or traveled into the dungeon with get hurt. That had already been something he had sworn up and down before, but now, now there was a little more heart behind it. "And don't apologize about the game. I think we were both getting done with playing anyway." He forced a yawn. "It's getting late."

Slowly, Euele looked up and met his eyes. "You'd really call me a friend?" 

He nodded. "I always look forwards to when I see your name attached to a contract. It's like a little vacation from some of the other frequenters who require my assistance. I don't know, I think I'd feel worse about losing at cards to someone who weren't my friend. I'll have you know I am the sorest loser." He let out a small chuckle. 

She shot him a look. "Oh I know. One of the first dungeon dives together you kept going on about how you lost at cards to some, and I quote 'flame condemned liars'. I think you only stopped when we got halfway through the Overgrown Caverns. You're anything but subtle, Terrence." Despite her wording, her tone was warm, almost as if she were remembering it fondly and not scolding him. "I too consider you my friend." She admitted after a moment of comfortable silence. "But I knew you were a big shot, so I didn't feel like I could say it to your face."

"I was worried you were from a more important family than I. I wasn't quite wrong, but, I am glad to call you friend."

"You're a flatterer."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"BAH." Terrence let out a laugh. "Okay, okay maybe I am. But your family does do important work. Feeding coursers is not a small task." His smile softened. "It is late though. And we have far to go tomorrow." He stood up and walked over to where they had set up his tent, stepping inside he spun around once or twice before laying down on the soft blankets and letting out a sigh. Closing his eyes, he listened to Euele cleaning up the cards and quietly speaking to her pet for a long while until he eventually drifted off to sleep.

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[DD3] Both Say Friend
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In Dungeon Dives ・ By TheSentientBurger

Where are your roots? Are there any famous adventurers in your family, or are you the first of your line?

Submitted By TheSentientBurger for Level 3 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 4 weeks ago

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