[DD2] The snake battle - lilly
Once the two coursers had defeated the snake, they started to traverse even deeper into the depths of the heated dungeon, they traveled past the lava pools, the heated vents that were in the ground. Things were going smooth down in the dungeon for now. “Lets hope we don’t run into another snake!” Lilly shivered as she then shook her head trying to forget about the giant snake they just fought. “yeah , I don’t want to have to fight another one either” terrence proclaimed and then the magma beneath them seemed to roil, causing tremors beneath their hooves. Suddenly, the crust bursts, and a massive serpentine shape arcs itself into the next pool of lava, its body oozing with molten rock. The two coursers stopped and looked at each other. “Was that another snake?” as the brown courser asked the giant lava snake came out of the pool of lava and tried to attack the two coursers. Terrence jumped in front and blocked the snake's attack once again and rolled his eyes as he had to do this twice in a row now, but he was getting paid for the job. He had fought the snake valiantly as the lava splashes around them, creating a glow of red in the air before he finished off the second snake for the day. “And that is how it is done” the horse flexed his muscles as soul flew over and started pecking at his head, having him stop, then the two coursers traversed deeper into the dungeon.
The magma beneath you seems to roil, causing tremors beneath your hooves. Suddenly, the crust bursts, and a massive serpentine shape arcs itself into the next pool of lava, its body oozing with molten rock. Is this monster alive? Is it some sort of magic?
Submitted By xjustxryanx
for Level 2 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago