[MEDIUM] one foot in front of the other

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Thus far, things have been relatively uneventful as far as Smudge was concerned. 


The usual dangers of the dungeon – Vampire bats, spike traps, getting hopelessly lost as the very walls shifted around them – had proven to be nothing to their party. It was a relief, in some ways, to take a step back from taking the lead  as Leonus and Tamsin set the pace. He was more than content to allow them to charge forward through the dungeon, even while doing his best to ensure he kept in step with them. 


Nothing would be worse than any of them imagining he was not pulling his weight, even Trixie, who was far more skittish than the other two. Any fear he had, he had been able to transition into comforting her, though he’d begun to realize he was perhaps doing more harm than good.


Here, let me –” he had begun to say, offering her help she absolutely did not need as an excuse to catch his breath, when a sudden piercing




Ripped through the cavern. 


He startled, one hoof slamming into the ground as his ears pinned flat back prepared for whatever it was that would follow after such a horrific sound. “Hello?” he called out almost reflexively, disgusted with the part of him that hoped it was a simple prank of young foals unaware of how their antics might land with those outside their party. There was no such luck, as a fainter sound of agony ripped across the cavern. He swallowed, looking back towards the passage and towards his companions.


Well?” he asked, head held high, as if the answer was obvious, even as his own mind tumbled over itself trying to find what was the Right course of action.





Now this was more like it. Tamsin had a spring in his step, as he trotted at the front of the group, Leonus by his side. The darkened caverns, the shadowy corners, the skittering of crawlers that lived in nooks and crannies, didn’t seem all that intimidating now that there were others with him. They were a team! Friends? Friendly? Temporary allies?


Tamsin liked team.


Alongside the other three, Tamsin hadn’t fallen into a spike trap (why would anyone put that there?) nor had he run in fear when a millipede, that looked suspiciously like the offspring of the one that had nearly tossed him to the depths, had crawled over his hoof. He’d barely shrieked, even.


Something shrieked now, however, and Tamsin froze, turning his head toward the sound, his ears flicking quickly, trying to investigate the source and direction. It was more difficult than he would have liked, the way that sound echoed here.


But it did not call back to Smudge’s greeting, instead pained cries continued to whisk their way towards them, carried by narrow passages. 


Shaking his head, agitated, scared, Tamsin pawed at the ground, impatient to take action, to do something. 


“We have to help them!” They declared stubbornly.




Leonus lived for these sorts of adventures, with a group, alone… with these three… it was all exciting to him. He was happy to lead the group, Tamsin by his side as they made their way around every obstacle, he of course made sure not to bat an eyelash at the bats, or spike pits, or creepy crawlies. He was a great adventurer who had seen it all before… right?


Actually, this was his first time in the caverns… but he was not about to let his companions know that, they needed his leadership and would surely question it if they knew the truth. So he had his head about as high as he could hold it, and did his best to use an authoritative voice when he had shushed at the sight of the bats, warned about the spike pit that he almost stepped into when no one was looking. 


And he sure as heck didn’t flinch when a terrifying scream echoed through the tunnels around the group, halting everyone in their steps. Smudge called out, and received no answer. The group became agitated, anxiety thickening the surrounding air. Tasmin voiced the need to help, earning themselves a nod from the golden man, who was already trying to pinpoint the direction of the cries.


Yes, that is what I was going to say, it is our duty as fellow adventurers,” He agreed, his thick Welsh accent flowing with every word. He liked to believe it made him sound smarter. 





There was something comforting about being with others. She hadn't met this group of coursers before and had no set trust in any of them but it definitely made the dungeon experience a little less scary. Saying that, she still jumped at every noise and movement, her skittish nature still winning the battle. The others were a godsend though and helped her every step of the way. Any challenge faced was taken head on by all of them, each using their skills and knowledge to ensure survival. By the time they'd reached this point in their journey, Trixie had calmed down immensely and felt at ease in the presence of her team who had been mere strangers not that long ago.


After the trials they'd overcome, fatigue and pain were beginning to set in. All her muscles ached, her brain dizzy. What woke her up from this daze was a gut wrenching scream that echoed through the hallways. Trixie’s head shot up, ears back, trying to reverse away in a panic. Her teammates did the same, skittering with fear at the sound. It had spooked them all.


There was a short discussion with the overall consensus being that they should go and help whoever was screaming in agony. Alone, she would have disagreed and run for the hills, afraid that whatever was making that poor soul scream would make her do the same. Even together, she hesitated with her reply, not really wanting to find out more.

“Yeah, um, let's go,” she said quietly, showing her discomfort with the thought of facing a monster. It was such an easy decision for the rest of the group. They were able to leave their own feelings behind for the sake of another in need. It took strength and courage to do that. Trixie, however, was not that person but she knew, deep down, it was the right thing to do. If the shoe was on the other hoof, she would hope someone would come rescue her.

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[MEDIUM] one foot in front of the other
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In Campaigns ・ By Inki, Snek, Thunderbolt, Sephora

Medium Campaign Squad!! 

Submitted By Snek for Campaign - Medium
Submitted: 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 4 weeks ago

Inki: Writer - Tamsin
Snek: Writer - Smudge
Thunderbolt: Writer - Trixie
Sephora: Writer - Leonus
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[[MEDIUM] one foot in front of the other by Inki, Snek, Thunderbolt, Sephora (Literature)](https://dungeon-coursers.com/gallery/view/770)
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