[DD2] Contemplation - Terrence and Euele

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It was an unpleasant thought. But perhaps, not untrue. 

He would ask her later whether or not she considered him a friend. For now, he wanted to focus on watching how she decided to get down a particularly steep part of their descent. For a moment it looked like she might just, hop forwards, jumping over the spot. Something that Terrence would've discouraged very quickly had she actually spent more time on the idea. Happily enough, she seemed to notice the large shale slabs about where she might land and continued at a different gait, walking her front legs forwards while her hind end slid down the far too steep incline. 

"How are you doing?" He asked, wanting to make sure she was still feeling confident. If she expressed any doubt, Terrence would be happy to take the lead once more.

He felt like a proud mentor! Like, like... oh my gods he felt like a dad watching his kid do well at something he had taught them to do!
As quickly as the answer to his strange emotions for the puck courser in front of him came to mind, he waved it away again. It was a very silly feeling and an even sillier realization. And Terrence was anything but silly. He was proud, the tiniest bit cocky, strong-willed and smart! Terrence the Ace was not a silly little guy.

"I'm fine. Navigating shale on such a sharp incline is... less than optimal, but I'm making do. We might want to stop at some of the more bearable hot springs once we get past all the lava and fire lake stuff." Her ears twitched, froth dripping from her legs as she continued down. It was impressive how hard she was avoiding breaking focus. "How are you doing?" 

He let out a little chuckle, only to immediately cut himself off as he started to slide. He managed to jerk to a stop, but it was only after he was confidently going forwards again that he spoke. "Oh, you know, as good as one can be while trying not to slide head first into a vat of lava. Just the usual."

It was Euele's turn to let out a little laugh. "I see, I see." She glanced side ways then down the slope at Acherna. The small little drake had been flying up and down the shale pile the entire time while Terrence and Euele tried to navigate. She was having a great time riding down on a sheet of shale and then flying back up to do it all over again. At this point she must've done it at least a few dozen times. The tiny drake looked up at Euele and Terrence and frowned, the tiny creature trying to convey that they should just hurry up already.

Euele and Terrence did not in fact, hurry up. They instead continued on at their same slow pace.

The tiny drake snorted then paused, suddenly feeling like something was behind her. And indeed there was. As Acherna turned her head she had to stare up at a strange robed figure all on fire. Immediately, she let out a shrill shriek, suddenly bringing Terrence and Euele's attention straight over to where she was. "Acherna to me!" The courser cried out, the little drake back peddling before flying over to hide in Euele's packs just as quickly as she could possibly go. The little thing curled up tightly, trembling, causing her hiding place to visibly shake from the outside. Not that anyone really noticed, they were all far too focused on the burning figure who had simply appeared out of nowhere.

Euele forced herself to stop in the shale, flat pieces of rock sliding down around her as she dug her hooves in and came to a halt. Terrence let himself slide a little further, only stopping when he was the tiniest bit in front of her.

"Ah. It's just the Flaming Figure." He stated after a long moment of staring the thing down. "It won't speak and kind of just pops up in the dungeon sometimes. Always just like that, one hand out, asking for... something? Nothing? No body really knows. We can just pass it by if you'd like. It isn't harmful in the slightest unless you get too close. The fire isn't just an illusion, and it will burn." He continued forwards again, feeling nonchalant as he moved past it and onto flatter ground.

Euele hesitated, lingering dangerously on the pile of shale for a moment longer. "It looks hurt."

"Huh?" He turned his head and looked at it. "I mean... it's presumably made of skin and flesh, so of course it's hurt."

She frowned as much as a horse can frown. "Terrence have you ever thought of trying to help it? That maybe it's asking for something to ease the pain?" He just stared blankly at her, clearly not really having to consider the possibility. "Alright. I am going to give it something for the burning." She turned her head and reached into one of her packs, she rifled about for a moment before bringing out a small glass vial, the top was capped by a very tall lump of wax, big enough for a courser to just bite off with ease, inside it was about half-way filled with an icy blue liquid that seemed to give of a deep blue smoke. Carefully holding it in her teeth, she dropped it very delicately into the thing's outstretched palm. "Here. This might help ease the pain." She looked up into the creature's hood for a moment, trying to see its face. 

Both her and the thing stayed there, still for a long moment, Terrence watching in awe. Usually it would just disappear with a bone rattling screech every time he had passed it in the past. He half wondered if intent was what really changed the result of what happened? When he next blinked, the thing was gone, and Euele had started down the last few feet of the slope. Eventually she joined him, staring off quietly towards where they had come from. No scream? He blinked but shook his head. "Are you alright?"

She nodded very slowly. "Yes. Though, those hot springs are sounding excellent right about now. I could use some time to just rest and think."

Terrence very slowly nodded. "Alright then. We can do that."

When they finally set up camp, both of them were quiet.

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[DD2] Contemplation - Terrence and Euele
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In Dungeon Dives ・ By TheSentientBurger

A cloaked figure engulfed in flame appears before you, its face indistinguishable under its smoldering hood. It holds out blistered hands as if asking you for something. Do you oblige it?

Submitted By TheSentientBurger for Level 2 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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