[EASY] Into the Dungeon - Room 2

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Hawkes was ecstatic.

Everyone else though? Not so much.

As it turned out, all the bigger brains in the party had indeed been overthinking the whole issue.
And upon following Hawkes through one of the doors, they quickly found that both archways lead into the same, broad hallway. 

Much to everyone's relief though, the talking faces had almost immediately shut up the second they passed and the mood of the party was much improved. Who knew that listening to the endless yammering of grating voices could put someone in such a bad mood? Solace hadn't really thought of the reason for xir foul mood until the sensation of grating nerves had finally fallen away, and Terrence definitely didn't want to admit that he was just being rude to Hawkes because of a couple of statues. Blessedly, Hawkes had already just passed it off as the statues unnerving them.

As for right now, the little group was looking for somewhere to pitch camp.
They were emotionally drained from the room prior and sleep and good food was the only real solution for that.

Fetch had sent Maggie, the phantasmal floating hand whose favourite spot seemed to be covering Fetch's face, ahead to scout out the area just ahead of them. According to what they could parse from Fetch's ramblings after the hand returned, there was a room just ahead that had a wide flat, sandy base unlike the stone floor they were standing on. There was something else she said that confused everyone, something about 'shadows up on high' but Hawkes was firmly of the belief the ceiling was just tall and shadowy overhead. Solace and Terrence couldn't help but agree to that one. It seemed the sort of thing for them to be correct about, and after their beating the last room with their unlogic, both were feeling a bit guilty about doubting Hawkes ability.

An hour later, though? Everyone had forgotten their remorse as they stared at the looming doorway into the next room.

"Well, this is far more suspicious than what Fetch told us." Terrence stated with a half-bored drawl. Fetch scrunched up her face and stuck out her tongue. He ignored them and continued. "Let's all be carefull and go in all at once. We don't want a secret door slamming down behind us and separating us." 

Hawkes nodded enthusiastically, trying to stand up a bit higher to get a better look through the doorway. So far they were still betting on high ceilings and a flat place to rest, but it was a bit hard to see from here. "Should we all go in on the count of three or something?"

"I think we could just stand shoulder to shoulder and start walking in." Solace squinted into the dim room in front of them. "I can't help but feel like there's an ambush or else some other danger waiting inside."

Terrence gave a nod in agreement. "That sounds about right. On the count of three, then?" He waited till he received three nods before he started the count off. "One, two, three." 

Hawkes, Terrence, Solace and Fetch started forwards, walking almost in time with each other as they walked through the doorway and into the room.
Almost the second they entered, the entire room changed. Lights lit around the broad, circular room, one by one in an eerily deliberate pattern until finally a large burst of flame flew up behind the large, shadowy, strangely not all there shape of a courser. Almost as if to spite the large shadowy crowd that had appeared all around them, it was silent except for the quiet roar of flaming torches. 

"Oooh-kay. I wasn't expecting a ghost dungeon courser fighting pit." Hawkes spoke abruptly, breaking the silence. "So, what's the plan?"

Terrence let out a laugh and looked over at Hawkes with a grin. "Oh, we can just sit back for this, Fetch can handle it." 

Solace's ears flicked as xey stared at Terrence confusedly. "She won't need help? Aren't ghosts untouchable or something?"

The shadow reared up, kicking out wisping limbs before charging at them. Fetch launched into the air, a horrifying sound between a horse's scream and a bellow tore out of her mouth as she shot forwards. Terrence just watched, standing still while Hawkes and Solace nervously shifted so they were closed to their leader. 

"Oh I forget, you haven't really seen Fetch do their thing yet." He laughed. "She's got this strange air about her, I know you've noticed. But did you know she can fight ghosts? They can pummel them even, without nearly as much trouble as any of us would face. She'll be fine. I promise." Both Hawkes and Solace could only stare on with wide eyes as Fetch and the shadow clashed together.

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[EASY] Into the Dungeon - Room 2
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In Campaigns ・ By TheSentientBurger

You step into a vast round chamber, sand crunching underfoot as you survey the area. Shadowy crowds gesture and lean in silently from auditorium seats high above you, and a Courser’s tattered silhouette circles you in the room’s center. You are in a soundless arena, challenged to a duel by a featureless ghost.

Submitted By TheSentientBurger for Campaign - Easy
Submitted: 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 4 weeks ago

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