[DD2] Cats and Horses in danger, oops!
Moonlit trotted through a new area than usual, trotting into a crevasse she stumbled on, not realizing it was the old crevasse for a lava river that occasionally flowed down there. Things changed the moment she noticed two ledges, which had the remnants of a ruined bridge on them.
At first, Moonlit thought this was the site of some old, forgotten river, but it was too hot for any water to flow here… "Oh, no," Moonlit whispered, stepping back as she saw lava pooling beneath her hooves. Marmalade noticed Moonlit's distress and grew worried, looking down and seeing the lava, too. Marmalade meowed in distress as he realized what was going on.
Moonlit turned to nuzzle her kitty. "No, no… it's okay, Marmalade, I can fix this!" she said. Seeking the closest ledge, she hurried towards it. The lava built behind her as she scrambled. The lava got closer and closer, Moonlit grabbed Marmalade by the scruff of his neck and tossed him onto the ledge.
Marmalade landed with a huff, then turned and meowed down at her in distress and fear. Moonlit thought this was her premature end; clambering for escape, but found it was too steep to climb, with lava on all sides now. Marmalade scrambling to either side of the ledge, desperate for a way to help his momma, but it was no use.
However, the gods seemed to decide against this injustice. A rope dropped from a different ledge. Moonlit didn't hesitate, leaping over the small pool of lava that formed between her and escape, then grabbing the rope in her teeth. Though the rope seemed to move on its own, wrapping around her like a snake, before hoisting her up onto the ledge with magical strength.
Moonlit breathed a sigh of relief, before turning first to check on Marmalade, who meowed at her. He looked around, looking for a way across, but Moonlit called to him, "No, no! Don't worry, I'll come get you. Stay there!" Marmalade stopped as she spoke and got down in a loaf to wait, making Moonlit sigh with relief.
Moonlit turned, searching for her rescuer, but found nobody. Nobody except for a group of hoofprints on the cave's dirty floor. Moonlit stood up, the ropes falling away like loose rope would. "Thank you! …Whoever you are."
[DD2] Cats and Horses in danger, oops!
Submitted By Heartsofblack
for Level 2 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month ago