In Campaigns ・ By Sage
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Fetch, the Ombre Ester snorted as the group paused in the middle of the dungeon halls. “Food anyone?” Terrence asked. “We need to keep moving.” Moritz didn’t elaborate. They only looked at the walls, carefully studying the carvings and paintings that lined them. Even with the small amount of light, the group could see horses running. “Stop being so uptight Moritz. Let’s eat.” Terrence insisted. Moritz gave no reply, and walked over to the wall to further inspect the carvings and paintings. “Fetch, you hungry?” Terrence asked. “You hungry?” Fetch repeated as she walked over to where Moritz was along the wall. Logue walked over to join them. “Not you too, Logue.” Terrence said, rolling his eyes. “Come on guys!” Terrence said, clearly getting frustrated. “Terrence, come look at this.” Logue invited. Terrence stomped over, huffing on the way. 

“Look at this.” Moritz nodded over to a rather peculiar painting. Terrence reluctantly took a peak. It had a few Coursers, and what appeared to be a Mage. Terrence’s eyes lit up with surprise. “A mage?” Terrence asked, turning his attention over to Moritz. Moritz only nodded. “Fetch? Logue?” Terrence asked. “We need to keep moving.” Moritz whispered, their voice hoarse. Terrence nodded.


Moritz led the way down the winding hall. Fetch trotted on their side. Logue’s pet, Cocoa, a beautiful chocolate brown bat, clutched to Logue’s mane. Terrence made up the rear, with Maggie a Phantasmal Hand by his side. 


Moritz kept trotting down the winding hall. Terrence and Maggie quickly passed Logue. They must have been going like this for hours. Logue started falling behind. The winding halls didn’t help. Logue quickly found himself separated from the group. “Shit.” Logue cursed as he put on more speed in an attempt to close the large gap between him and the rest of the group. The gap between him and the rest of the group was too large, so Logue started cantering. His hoofbeats were so loud, he was sure some creature would find him. Cocoa, struggling to keep ahold of his wild mane, flew beside Logue. 


Logue heard hoofbeats that weren’t his own. Behind a corner, he sees Terrence emerge. “Holy!” Logue screeches. “Logue. Where were you?” Terrence demands. “What,” Logue starts. He pauses and studies Terrence’s eyes. Even in the dim lighting of the dungeon halls, Logue can see the fear in Terrence’s eyes. Fear, and something more. Worry. “Wait, you were worried about me?” Logue asks, a little shook. Terrence looks away. “Let’s just get going.” Terrence sighed in defeat. 


Once Logue and Terrence finally caught up with the rest of the group, they were shaken. The group had found a library. Fetch, Moritz, Terrence, and Logue stood in wonder at the entrance of the library. The dusty bookshelves revealed ancient titles. Some of the bookshelves were broken, others collapsed, and some completely destroyed. A few gargoyles were placed on a few of the bookshelves that were still standing in pristine condition. “Wait!” Moritz cried out as Logue walked into the library. “What?” Logue stopped moving. “I’ve been to Mage’s libraries before, they are always protected in some way.” Moritz said quickly. Fear began to encase Logue. The group stood as still as possible as the seconds ticked by. Mina, Moritz's eyes in a way, entered the library. Moritz held their breath as Mina wandered around the library. Her eye searching for any threat. Mina disappeared from the group’s view. “Logue, come here.” Moritz called. Logue carefully walked back to the group.


Mina came back. She moved in a way that looked kind of like sign language. “Mina says the coast is clear.” Moritz reported. The entire group rushed into the library.


Fetch rushed towards a book, Moritz calmly walked over to a bookshelf, Logue trotted over to a table, and Terrence followed Logue. 


Fetch whipped open a book. It had a stunning sunshine yellow and offwhite cover with an amber brown tree in the middle, branching out from the book. Before she could even start to read the first page, the page’s of the book moved. “Huh?” Fetch grumbled as she tried to catch the flying book. “DUCK!!” Moritz cried. A book smashed into Fetch’s face. Books started diving at the group. 


The books screeched “et ut nos impediat. Satis callidus eris. Verba hie sunt, alicubi. Eos ex iracundia invenire.” “Φως.” “توقف.” “Retour.” “Audistine? Verba dic te ipsum libera. Si non vis, lacerabimus te.”


Logue tried his best to fend off the diving books, but got smacked in the face. Terrence wasn’t far away, but he was fighting his own battle. Logue was on the ground, getting swarmed by books. Moritz and Mina were booking it, and getting the hell out of the library, a swarm of books following them. Fetch was getting attacked by the gargoyles that once stood perched watching the library. Terrence, oh boy, Terrence was running around the library as if his head had been severed from his body. With not one, but two gargoyles trailing him, and a ton of books trying to smash into him, it's safe to say if the group will make it out alive, it won’t be easy…

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In Campaigns ・ By SageContent Warning: Slight swearing

Part 1 of my first campaign!

You discover the brittle remains of a mage's library, complete with collapsed shelves of ancient volumes. As you approach one to appraise the value of its contents, the books begin to stir. At once, frenzied tomes fly from their perches, flapping through the air to swoop and dive at your party. Throughout the attack, each shrieks its contents in languages you can't understand.

Your party must make a Cunning check to lose the pursuing swarm.

Submitted By Sage for Campaign - Medium
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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