Fickle Friends
Friends! Everywhere Esther looked she met another new friend. They wore strange clothes and had peculiar bodies, but she didn't mind. Some were very friendly and would chat for hours with the girl. Others were not as nice and she learned quickly to give them their space.
Not everyone enjoyed the living, a fact that her mother reminded her often. But even the dead could be full of life. Many just wanted to be heard and a few even wanted to play! One talked silly to her mom and she swore she saw Asther blush... ew.
Both mother and daughter could agree though, the thinning of the Veil was quite cool, and convining with the dead was fascinating. They both were more than happy to give them an audience.
The human ghosts you encounter while serving the Harvester bear a sigil you may recognize: a pentacle with two Coursers’ heads laid over it, each appearing to bite the other in the neck. This same sigil marks much of the human armor found in the Moor of Sleep. Others, however – especially humanoids of other species – bear different sigils on their banners and armor. You may meet an orc bearing a fabulously-tusked boar, a dwarf bearing a maned goat, or an elf bearing a thin hind. Who are these restless spirits? How do you interact with them?
Submitted By Sephora
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago