[DD1] x marks the spot
It seems like pretty much everything grows down here. Brynn and Rocky find themselves surrounded by foliage, fungi, mosses of all sorts and types. It muffles the sound of their steps on the cobbled floors, and the running water in the distance down here. Really, it's not so bad. Easy to be optimistic, at least this early into the day. She's kind eyed, if a little wild, as they move deeper. Following the winding pathways deeper into the dungeon, carefully marking their path just to make sure they hadn't gone in circles. Little x patterns, made from a charcoal paste. It meant they could retrace their steps, if things got sticky. Always at the height of her right shoulder. Right going in, left coming out. Easy, right? It made sense, at least in her mind.
Rocky ambling along beside her, he's good company. He'd help keep her safe down here, too. Around Brynn's shoulders, she carried a pack sparsely filled with supplies. Things like a first aid kit and water skin, though on this level, they'd only need the one. Plenty of places to stop and refill, and she would at every opportunity. There are snacks too, but Brynn was grateful Rocky didn't eat all that much. Food was heavy, and she wasn't big on lugging around too much extra weight. They needed that space for treasure!
Around her neck, the girl's superstitions shine a little more thoroughly. A thin golden chain, with a rabbit's foot dipped in gold. Maybe it's silly, but she'd found it in their very first treasure haul. It had been good luck to find it, and keeping it around felt like good luck still. As strange as the little relic is, Brynn is a big fan. It's comforting in its own way, and she doesn't question it.
Submitted By wicked
for Level 1 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago