[DD1] don't mind me
Ramona understood she was the youngest Rohakas but she could not sit idly by while Rigo went on dives to the Earthen Furnance and Moors of Sleep. She knew that he too was a fledgling at one point as well. She reminded herself that he wouldn't be where he was without having been taught by their parents. Still, Ramona was jealous. She loathed the idea that she was the baby of the family and all the treatment it brought her from her great grandpapa and otherwise. Her unique coloration - a drastic difference from any other Rohakas - didn't help the situation. Her grandmother fawned over her "beauty", and lamented that she'd never seen such a fair lady born into their family name. It had Ramona's quartz eyes rolling. Worst of all, it was only her short-tempered father on her side to buffer the comments. He'd been equally surprised by her appearance as she was, and in the end, the two became thick as thieves. Both of them were serious and stubborn, and the idea of Ramona breaking family tradition to appear as a lady in court left them both gagging.
So she ignored her grandmother, listened to the encouragement of her father, and did what she could to be as good, if not better, than Rigo.
Unlike Rigo, Ramona wanted to grow on her own merit. Of course, she took teachings from her sire, but ultimately she wanted no assistance in the dungeons. It was a hard-fought battle, seeing as dear old Dad was a highly protective creature even if he refused to admit it. Thankfully, she was here alone today. Her first dive. She was older than her cousin, but she kept telling herself to pay no mind. The moss-laden caverns were the only witness to her darting eyes and orbiting harks. Well, and Flagg. The bat was sleeping, small feet corded into her mane so that he simply swung like a baby at her side. Honestly, she was glad he wasn't awake to feel the vibrations of her nerves.
Steadily she pressed forward, alert and mindful of her course. The dank air was thick with the perfume of plant life, and while these old carved stone passages were limited in them, she could see where the walls collapsed into dirt and fungal passages. A part of her yearned to explore them, but her hooves never tarried close. Taking chances and blind leaps of faith wouldn't bring her success, especially so green. Ramon drew a deep breath in, held it in her lungs for a slow count to five, and released the air slowly. She could feel the tension built into her muscles loosen and for it she was grateful. She could do this. She knew she could.
The path ahead drew to a steady incline, the flagstones transforming into massive sheets of rock. Figuring this portion of the floor was carved from the existing rock bed rather than laid she continued without much pause for concern. Yet, it wasn't the uneventful climb she expected. The floor trembled then rose and she had to catch herself, not unlike a knobby-legged foal. Flagg squeaked away his sleep and his leather wings flapped at her side in alarm. Up and up she rose until a stop rolled around and peered at her with dark eyes.
"Golems?" She whispered, eyes frantically searching their moss-covered faces. Admittedly, she couldn't move her legs. Every time she willed them to move they were rooted in place and her heart ached with apprehension. Ramona focused on her breathing, eyes darting away from the faces and towards the exit above. It was the only way forward here unless she wanted to turn around - and she didn't want to do that.
The trio of golems all followed the direction of her stare and peered up at the archway above. For a moment they seemed transfixed on it or perhaps were waiting to see if something materialized out of the gloom. Of course, nothing happened, and they turned back towards the startled young mare. Her harks perked forward and her visage rose. Wait... did they have some sort of intelligence? "I need to get up there." She raised her voice so that they all could hear and ignored the slight shake at the beginning. "Can you help me? Get up there?" She used her muzzle and gestured towards the passage. Again the golems looked up to it, then back down to her. Ramona was beginning to consider they weren't all that intelligent after all, but then they all shifted. All the golems folded in on themselves and she steadily was lowered back down to the ground. Boulders rolled and shifted until they formed a simple staircase upwards.
"Well, thanks." She felt compelled to mutter as she took her first tentative steps. They either felt or heard her as she walked across them, and she was torn between sprinting to get it over quickly or slowly as to not cause any discomfort. In the end, her gait was rushed and shallow, her progress slow and apologetic, but otherwise uneventful. At the top, she glanced over her shoulder towards the golems, whose heads had turned to watch her. Satisfied to see she made it to the top, their heads shifted back into the pile, and the incline went still once more.
You are climbing up a rocky incline when the ledge begins to shake, rolling under your hooves like joints being stretched. You have in fact stepped on several moss-covered golems. They don’t seem to mean you any harm, but you have awakened them from a restful slumber, and your way forward is above their shoulders. What do you say to these stone giants?
Submitted By spoopi
for Level 1 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago