[HARD] RP - Through the dark - Campaign #11-1

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AberrantKapro | Strohmeier / Senbonzakura

Sore and with a splitting headache, Senbonzakura opened his golden eyes. He had eventually passed out from the gas. He shot up and looked around, Micke and Kinka were laying next to him, thankfully he had not accidentally fallen on top of them, thank goodness. 

His gaze then turned to his party members, Strohmeier laid still, breathing heavily. Senbonzakura could tell that he was not feeling too good, which was understandable. He walked over to him and laid down next to him, placing his head over his own front legs. 

“Hey there, soldier. Are you doing alright?” he asked Strohmeier with a gentle and soft tone, looking into his blue eyes as he did his best to keep them open. 
“I've been better.. But I've also been worse.” he sighed heavily. “But I'll be okay..”

Senbonzakura carefully removed Strohmeier's headpiece and nudged his forehead softly with his muzzle, scratching him gently and lovingly. He wanted to care for him more in depth, but he knew he had to make sure the others were also doing okay. 
“I'll be back.” he whispered and gave Strohmeier a little peck on the cheek before getting up. 

Kinka and Micke had woken up now and both ran over to Senbonzakura and Strohmeier, they ran around Senbonzakura’s legs for a bit before snuggling up to Strohmeier, stealing his heat in return of making sure he was comfortable.
Senbonzakura approached Söl and Rial. “How are you two holding up?”

243 words

Dillyweed | Söl / Rial

They had been so close. They had almost made it. And yet they didn’t. Söl had been able to see the door when he fainted. It was ahead of them. The outline of them. But the gas in the room had been the most powerful. Söl woke up with a deep breath. It sounded worse than it was. He laid still for a bit as he watched the tunnel. His heart beating fast in his chest. They would most likely feel off for a bit. They could really use getting back to their camp right about now and heal up. But life wasn’t that easy. Rial walked up to Söl. He clearly had woken up earlier than Söl. Maybe he was the first to fall. Söl looked behind them. Stroheimer and Senbonzakura were a bit behind them. Clearly they had fallen first. But they were also getting up about now. He looked up at Rial with bleary eyes. Clearly Rial had somehow gotten much less in his system then them.
Rial helped Söl back up on his legs just as Senbonzakura walked over to them. 

How are you two holding up?
“We’re fine.” Söl answered for both of them as Rial nodded beside him. “But what was that? A gas leak underneath? We need to get out of here before it happens again.”  


They hurried as fast as they could. They were all dizzy with headaches. Rial took the lead and got the door opened. He made sure to hold it open as the other three slowly walked through, supporting each other. Out of the tunnel it quickly became better. They argued about keeping the door opened. But it felt as if that could cause other issues. They made sure the door didn’t lock. But at least the next ones could hopefully make it through and find that the door opened easily. 


They were in a new room now. It felt old only because they’d seen similar rooms in the cave systems. The workbench. The clear mechanism that would make the room spin. As Stroheimer, Senbonzakura and Söl breathed out and regained themselves Rial headed to the second door. He didn’t get far behind the door; the tunnel had completely collapsed.
“We need to activate the room.” He said as he looked back at the other three. Söls face fell immediately. He didn’t feel as if he was ready for it quite yet. “We can probably rest before, as long as we’re careful.” Rial said as his cold face turned around the room. They couldn’t be sure if there was more than one thing that made the room spin. It looked as if this room had a mechanism in the middle. But it was so evident it felt as if it was a trick. The rooms were more than often meant to be accidentally started. So that it caught you by accident. He joined up with the three other Coursers. They were careful. There could be a pressure plate, or a book that somehow activated it.
Eventually they all felt ready. And they made sure that they and the pets were safe. Goosebert decided to eat a book before they started. Rial squinted at him until he stopped. He didn’t want Goose vomit in the air. Bart the Bat, Söls companion, wanted to fly in the middle of the room. They had done this before and he knew it was his safest place.
They all looked at each other as they prepared themselves for the spinning. It wasn’t optimal after having already been knocked out. But they had to do it. The only other option was to try and walk past the gas again. And it felt like the more unsafe option by far. Rial was the one that activated the room. At first they heard a heavy dunk and nothing. Then the room started spinning. He had to hurry to make it to the wall so that he could use it as support when the spinning got heavy. 

669 words

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[HARD] RP - Through the dark - Campaign #11-1
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In Campaigns ・ By AberrantKapro

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Submitted By Dillyweed for Campaign - Hard
Submitted: 6 hours agoLast Updated: 5 hours ago

AberrantKapro: Writer
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[[HARD] RP - Through the dark - Campaign #11-1 by AberrantKapro (Literature)](https://dungeon-coursers.com/gallery/view/4818)
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