[DD2] Crossing the Furnace
Though the dungeons are well-trodden in the Age of Coursers, they are too vast to avoid getting lost occasionally. How is your sense of direction? What do you do when you realize you don’t know where you are?
get to higher ground!
Crossing the Furnace went from terrifying to an eye opening and wonderous experience for Wick with the help of Terrence once more, who decides to help him cross for the fear of hearing about some charred remains if he doesn't.
Terrence has immense knowledge of the floor and its layout, but Wicks awkward nature makes him keep some distance between them to avoid idle chat, much prefering to share in the beauty of the sights before him.
Submitted By X-auri
for Level 2 Dungeon Dive
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Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago