[BOSS] The Slippery Slope

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"You cannot just let a child follow us into danger!" 

A loud voice rang out through the dungeon, echoing off brick and mortar, stone and ancient bones, before making its way back to the aforementioned child.
Melt was of the personal opinion that it didn't really matter how old they were. They were with three competent adults who knew the way around the dungeon. It shouldn't matter how old they were. They could probably hold their own. And even if it couldn't, there were three very competent adults right there. 

Sunder heaved a sigh, the bald knight tipping back his head and staring skyward for a long minute before he spoke aloud. "Sir Thuringrim, I am aware of your reluctance to allow a child to follow after us. However, I have deemed it fine. From what I gathered, they will be safer and with more care here with us than they were at the Pale Palace." When Thurngrim opened their mouth to speak again, Sunder glowered at them until their jaw shut with a loud clack. "Besides, we should be able to handle anything the dungeon throws at us, we are three well-trained knights!" He puffed out his chest and stamped one hoof, his very neat, but strangely square shaped tail waving behind him.

Malachi, a very sleek, very pale heraldic with moon-gold eyes, glanced over her shoulder with a very half-hearted sigh. "I suppose. But it will not be your head on the block if we fail to keep Master Aehwyn's heir alive." She stepped past Sunder with a nonchalant air and the flick of her tail.

"Ugh." Sunder's ears flicked back with annoyance, a scowl threatening to spill off his features and into the dank of the dungeon. "Can we please just drop the issue. Melt is staying with us until we can return to the Pale. Otherwise, I would be sending out the child back home through the wilds of the dungeon, which could actually get them killed. And I would very much not enjoy having that on my concious." 

The child in question was right there.
But, blessedly, not paying a wink of attention to the bothersome chatter of the adults.

Rather, they were trotting along ahead of the older creatures, enjoying the sound of mushing moss beneath their hooves as they went along. They were a little disappointed, this whole mess wasn't anything like they had imagined when they had snuck out to follow the little group of knights as they left the Pale. They had been under the impression that the knights were going out to slay monsters or do anything more interesting than a simple expedition for one of Aehwyn's whims.

Melt was beginning to wish they'd stayed back home or at least tried to go find Asterion near the Earthen Furnace.
Anything would be better than this.

They looked up, ears flicking to catch what the adults were talking about now. 

"Do they even have a name? Master Aehwyn didn't tell us?" Thuringrim's booming voice was impossible not to hear.

"The heir child introduced itself as Melt, so either it named itself or Master Aehwyn neglected to tell us its name." Malachi's voice dripped like water from moss.

Melt stopped paying attention before they started to feel upset, instead focusing on the sound of wet beneath their hooves. It was quite a good sound, actually, the confident squelch and pleasant sound of water rushing back into the moss when they lifted their foot formed a pleasant rhythm. Squelch, squish, rush, repeat. Their tail wiggled as they sped up their pace, listening to the sounds as they intensified. That is until they suddenly stopped, and floor seemed to whisk out from under them. 

With an almost comical squeak, Melt found their self flying down a steep incline, hooves unable to find purchase on the water soaked moss. 

Somewhere behind them, or perhaps above them, there was a shout from the adults as they launched themselves down the ramp in an effort to catch the flying child. 

"MELT!"  Sunder sounded panicked.

Melt was having the time of their life.

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[BOSS] The Slippery Slope
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In Campaigns ・ By TheSentientBurger

You bat away sticky drippings dangling from the ceiling as you duck into a new passage. A moist haze keeps your torchlight from revealing much, so you don’t see the downward slope ahead of you until your hoof slips on the mucky floor. You are suddenly speeding down a slick, gooey slide into darkness, gaining momentum as the dungeon whips past you.


Aehwyn hires a noble knight (Sunder) to take two of their goons (Malachi, Thuringrim) on an expedition near the Pale Palace. At first no one notices that Melt (Aehwyn's adopted child) has been following along behind them but it soon becomes obvious.

Submitted By TheSentientBurger for Campaign - Boss
Submitted: 2 days agoLast Updated: 2 days ago

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