[HARD] RP - Carl's Nightmare - Campaign #6-1

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AberrantKapro | Strohmeier / Senbonzakura

Just as the group thought they had escaped the beast, it suddenly fell quiet. Senbonzakura looked back and saw the creature, now sitting up. It turned around and spotted the coursers, and it let out a harrowing snarl as it got up on its feet and started charging towards them. 

“RUN!!” Senbonzakura ordered the others and sped out through the exit they had just started to pass through.

Strohmeier stood his ground until all the others had ran off and then quickly followed suit. He just barely managed to avoid the claws of the beast by jumping over a small crevice that the beast immediately hissed at, and it retreated back towards its nest,hopefully never to be seen again. 

The four courses were breathing and panting heavily, hearts in their throats. What a horrible feeling, to be chased like that. 

Senbonzakura looked around, the surroundings were no longer full of dirt and roots, everything all around them was solid rock. No old buildings or ruins, just plain old mountain rock. It felt suspicious, and very out of place, Senbonzakura thought, as he walked over to Micke and Kinka to make sure they were alright, which they thankfully seemed to be. 

Strohmeier took a closer look at the crevice that had deterred the furless beast, and just as he put his head above it, a violent puff of cold air blew in his face, extinguishing his lantern in the process. He looked back at the others and it was just barely that Senbonzakura managed to protect his flame from going out ut completely, though the torch soon died out anyway. Cursed dungeon. 

Suddenly, the ground started rumbling beneath the coursers, and the floor started to move underneath their hooves. With barely any light to help them see and the ground moving, revealing a cold and most definitely deadly abyss, they knew that they somehow had to come up with an escape plan fast or they would risk losing their lives. Time was ticking, and it was not in their favour. 


340 words

Dillyweed | Köl / Söl

It had been Söls fault. He knew it. And by the way Köl glanced at him when Strohemier and Senbonzakura didn't pay attention, with almost disgust on his face. Söl had tripped and kicked a rock towards the creature. The rock must have hit the creature and woken it up. He felt ashamed by it. They had to run quickly and he had put them all in danger.


The creature had hunted them through the tunnels. Strohmeier Had put himself in the way of the beast. Making sure that Söl could get away. It means a lot to him. He knew he was a courageous warrior. This opened his eyes even more to it. Yet he could not get the weighted feeling off his chest. Even as he stood on the opposite side of the split in the ground. Breathing heavily. Having barely made the jump. They were all safe. Bart the bat landed back on him. The bat had flown to safety. There was little the bat could have actually done. Other than screaming at him as he did. It tried to fly at the beast and annoy it but it didn't do much.


“I am sorry.” Söl said quietly as Stroheimer tried to also catch his breath beside him. The tears almost caught in his throat as he tried to explain what had happened. About how he tripped. How the stone must be the reason they got chased.

Strohmeier surprised him by dragging him in for a quick hug.

“It is fine. Accidents happen. I know you didn't mean to do it. We’re fine.” Söl watched as Köl quietly scoffed at them when no one else saw and it made his gut feel twisted. Stroheimer quickly turned to look at the big opening in the floor while Söl collected himself. Checking over all of his gear. He felt like shit.


Köl didn't understand how they could baby Söl like that. Clearly bug boy didn't understand how dangerous it was down here and unlike himself he didn't seem to add anything to the team. But they seemed to like him. And Köl wasn't stupid enough to make them angry by talking bad about Söl. Köl instead went up the split in the ground. He could still see the tip of the tail of the creature as it made its last turn away from them. The cold breeze was sudden and hard. It made him take a step back even as he braced against it. But before he could react fully to it the ground began to shake as the floor began to move under them. Senbonzakura instinctively moved to Söl side together with all the pets while Köl braced against the moving floor by Stroheimers side. 

The abyss was staring back at them. This was clearly a problem and now was not the time to be annoyed with Söl. He thought. But he couldn’t help but to glare at the bay dun. They would probably have to go out of their way to save him as well.


508 words

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[HARD] RP - Carl's Nightmare - Campaign #6-1
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In Campaigns ・ By Dillyweed, AberrantKapro
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Submitted By AberrantKapro for Campaign - Hard
Submitted: 3 days agoLast Updated: 3 days ago

Dillyweed: Writer
AberrantKapro: Writer
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[[HARD] RP - Carl's Nightmare - Campaign #6-1 by Dillyweed, AberrantKapro (Literature)](https://dungeon-coursers.com/gallery/view/4306)
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