[DD1] just a little taste
The pile of slime jiggled and bounced, the dim light of a high up torch bouncing off its rotund gelatinous form. It blinked its big old red eye up at Tom, and Tom blinked back. How did it have an eye? How did it blink? Questions Tom needed to answer, so she knelt down to get a better look. It shifted, its goop making a squelching noise as two spoonfuls worth of slime seemed to reach out toward her. It blinked again. Tom blinked back again, finding herself strongly reminded of jello cake.
Yet another question appeared in Tom's mind. One that she needed to answer.
She parted her lips.
Submitted By weshouldspoon
for Level 1 Dungeon Dive
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Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago