[DD2] Sable's Reminiscent
As we were walking through the dungeons, Crispin kept trying to make conversation. The questions had started pretty benign, whats my favourite food, favourite colour, that sort of thing, and I had replied in one word answers. But slowly the questions had gotten more personal until I started to suspect that he knew who I was.
He cleared his throat. "So where's home to you? Where do you go when adventures are finished?"
Okay, I was certain that he knew who I was.
His question did make me think of home, of gigantic estate and the regal Palace that I spent enough time in to call them both home. I thought about my sister, Mae, and that brought a smile to my face. My older sister, and she looked out for me and backed my play no matter what. Others thought that she was cruel, but I saw deeper than that. She loves me, and I love her. I know that I had a very charmed childhood, happier than anyone could ask for, but when I think of home, it's Mae that I think about.
Crispin was still staring at me, waiting for an answer.
"My family.' I said, and then strode forwards.
Submitted By SaltwaterStier
for Level 2 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago