[MEDIUM] [3-1] Fighting Your Demons

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All was silent around them save for the slight shift of sand every now and then. Though Shadow normally took the lead in the dungeons, this time it was Daravna who stepped up. He seemed to be familiar with the surroundings, maybe he had been here before? He seemed weary though and Shadow couldn't figure out why until he looked up. 

Shadowed figures watched them from above, surveying their every move. Suddenly the group felt uncomfortable,  Desdemona and Phantom falling behind. Daravna stood proud though, his head held high and his eyes scanning the crowds.

Just what was with this dude? Why did he seem to fit in so easily here, was he made for this kind of thing? Shadow didn't have much time to think when a ghostly figure appeared in front of them. At least this figure was closer to what he was expecting, a horse just like them. 

Without hesitation the ghost circled around the group, pushing them together as close as he could. Daravna bared his teeth at the figure and took a step forward, challenging the apparition to come closer. The ghost seemed to accept the challenge as he pushed towards Daravna, forgetting about the other three in the arena.

“Don't do anything stupid, I would rather you not lose your head while your lady friend ain't here.” Shadow teased, a nervous chuckle escaping his throat. He was nervous that something was going to happen and he didn't want to be the reason why.

Phantom gave him a slight smack with his tail, disapproval on his face. Sand was starting to fly past them as if a storm was starting to kick up and Shadow turned to look at Phantom right as he noticed. Desdemona had positioned herself next to the orange heraldic. She didn't seem to be nervous about the situation either, so why did the black stallion feel like they were going to lose? Maybe he should take a break from the dungeons, it seemed like the exploring was starting to get to him.

SNAP! Suddenly a blow out of nowhere hit Daravna on the side and he let out a guttural growl. He retaliated with all he could, pushing himself into the apparition as the sand started to whizz by now. Shadow tried to cover himself best he could, the sand cutting like daggers against his fur.

He hadn't realized that the ether before him had managed to get on the other side of the ghost. Maybe they would get out of this, and maybe it was his turn to stop being a coward. 

As he watched the scene before him, he saw a glint of silver flying by him. He reached out and managed to grab the dagger with little time to spare, and his eyes shined when they locked with Phantom’s. He could do this, he would do this. 

Rushing forward he aimed the blade as low as he could while the other two had it distracted. All he needed to do was get one good blow to the apparition and it would be over. It would be over… It would be over.

Right as he reached the specter a sharp pain racked his side and he tumbled to the ground with a THUD as he coughed. Panic set in when he tasted the metallic tinge of blood in his mouth and he flailed to try and get back on his feet. Phantom was beside him within a moment and the grey placed a hoof on his shoulder. 

"Stay still, getting up is not going to help you at all right now.” He could hear the worry in the other’s voice which only furthered his panic. What was happening, he didn't even get hit! He shoved up against the hoof that was holding him there and anger flashed across his face.

“LET ME UP! I'M NOT GOING TO SIT HERE WHILE THEY FIGHT!” Phantom showed no sign of letting and Shadow shoved on his hoof once more. He could feel the pain in his side screaming each time he moved but he didn't care, he wasn't going to let them lose.

Daravna had glanced back at the couple, sweat forming on his hide as he barked at Shadow. “Stop being a dumbass and STOP MOVING!” The black stallion paused at that, who…. 

There was no need to be angry, none of them wanted this to be their last moments. Desdemona had gotten a few hits on the ghost and it seemed to be backing down a bit. Maybe… they were going to be ok. 

He suddenly remembered the shadows that sat above them, watching all of this going on. They seemed displeased at the way this was going, which could only mean good for the group of them. He released the breath he was holding, one he didn't realize he was holding. They would be ok, they would get out of here victorious.

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[MEDIUM] [3-1] Fighting Your Demons
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In Campaigns ・ By SPACEP00DLEContent Warning: Slight blood
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Submitted By SPACEP00DLE for Campaign - Medium
Submitted: 5 days agoLast Updated: 5 days ago

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[[MEDIUM] [3-1] Fighting Your Demons by SPACEP00DLE (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** Slight blood](https://dungeon-coursers.com/gallery/view/3981)
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