[DD2] Dungeon Dive lvl2 - Levi 2

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The dungeon was unusually quiet, the echoes of distant drips of water the only sound accompanying Levi as he traversed its ancient halls. His hooves made a soft, almost rhythmic clopping against the cold stone floor, the sound dampened by the thick layer of dust and moss that had accumulated over centuries. The walls, covered in twisting vines and glowing fungi, seemed to close in around him as he descended deeper into the earth, the air growing cooler and more oppressive with every step.

Levi was at ease in these depths. He moved with the calm confidence of a creature who had spent a lifetime navigating these labyrinthine corridors. His mind was clear, his thoughts focused only on the journey ahead. But as he rounded a corner into a particularly narrow passageway, he felt a strange presence—a subtle shift in the air that made his ears twitch and his muscles tense.

He halted, his sharp eyes scanning the passage ahead. The shadows here were deeper, more oppressive, and the air was thick with an unfamiliar scent. It was the scent of another Dungeon Courser, faint but unmistakable. Levi’s senses sharpened, his body going still as he listened, waiting for any sign of movement.

Then, a soft, hesitant clatter of hooves echoed from the darkness ahead. Levi narrowed his eyes, his ears swiveling to pinpoint the source. The sound was uneven, the gait of someone lost, confused, and possibly injured. He took a cautious step forward, his instincts urging him to proceed with care. It wasn’t often that he encountered another Courser in the depths of the dungeon, and when he did, it was rarely under good circumstances.

As he moved deeper into the passage, the faint outline of another horse began to take shape in the gloom. The Courser was a little smaller than Levi, with a coat that had once been a deep chestnut but was now matted with dirt and streaked with sweat. Their mane hung limp and tangled over their eyes, which were wide with fear and exhaustion. The Courser’s movements were slow and unsteady, their hooves dragging slightly on the ground as they tried to navigate the twisting passage.

Levi approached cautiously, his posture relaxed but alert, ready for any sudden movements. The other Courser froze as he came into view, their eyes locking onto his with a mixture of hope and wariness. They were clearly on the edge of collapse, their body trembling with fatigue, and their breath coming in ragged gasps.

“Are you lost?” Levi asked, his voice calm and steady. It wasn’t an accusation, merely an observation. In these depths, even the most experienced of Coursers could lose their way, especially if they were injured or disoriented.

The other Courser blinked, their eyes flickering with a brief spark of recognition. “I... I didn’t mean to come this far,” they stammered, their voice shaky and weak. “I was just... exploring, but then... I couldn’t find my way back. I thought... I thought I could handle it, but...”

Levi nodded slowly, his expression unreadable. He understood all too well the dangers of the dungeon. It was a place of endless twists and turns, of hidden traps and lurking threats. Even the most seasoned of Coursers could be caught off guard, and it was clear that this one had underestimated the depths they had ventured into.

“You’ve strayed into the lower levels,” Levi said, his tone matter-of-fact. “This part of the dungeon isn’t easy to navigate, especially alone.”

The other Courser lowered their head, shame flickering in their eyes. “I know,” they whispered, their voice barely audible. “I just... I thought I could find something valuable down here. Something to bring back to the herd. But now... I don’t know how to get out.”

Levi considered the situation carefully. The Courser was clearly in no condition to continue on their own, and leaving them here would likely mean their demise. The dungeon was unforgiving to those who wandered its depths without a clear path or purpose, and this Courser was already teetering on the edge.

“You’re not going to find a way out by wandering aimlessly,” Levi said, his voice firm but not unkind. “You need to conserve your strength and follow someone who knows the way. I can help you, but you have to trust me.”

The other Courser looked up at him, their eyes filled with desperation and gratitude. “Please,” they whispered, their voice trembling with emotion. “I don’t want to die down here.”

Levi nodded, his decision made. “Stay close to me,” he instructed, turning back the way he had come. “I know a safer route that will take us to the upper levels. But we need to move quickly before the dungeon shifts again.”

The Courser hesitated for only a moment before stepping forward to follow him, their movements slow and unsteady but filled with renewed determination. Levi set a brisk but manageable pace, his keen senses guiding them through the twisting passages and narrow corridors with the precision of a creature who had spent a lifetime in the dungeon’s embrace.

As they moved through the dungeon, Levi kept a careful eye on his companion, adjusting his pace whenever he sensed they were struggling. The other Courser remained silent, their focus entirely on keeping up with him, but Levi could sense their growing relief as the passages began to widen and the air grew warmer, indicating they were ascending to safer levels.

Finally, after what felt like hours of navigating the dungeon’s treacherous depths, they emerged into a broader chamber, its walls lined with ancient carvings and the faint glow of magical runes. The air here was lighter, the atmosphere less oppressive, and Levi could feel the tension in the other Courser begin to ease.

“We’re close to the exit now,” Levi said, his voice carrying a note of reassurance. “From here, you should be able to find your way back to the surface.”

The other Courser looked at him with a mixture of gratitude and exhaustion. “Thank you,” they said softly, their voice filled with genuine emotion. “I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t found me.”

Levi simply nodded, his expression calm and unreadable. “Just be more careful next time,” he advised. “The dungeon is not forgiving to those who wander without purpose.”

With that, he turned and began to walk away, his steps sure and steady as he continued his journey deeper into the dungeon. The other Courser watched him go, their heart filled with a newfound respect for the Dungeon.

As Levi disappeared into the shadows, the Courser took a deep breath and began to make their way back to the surface, their steps lighter and more confident now that they knew they were no longer alone in the dungeon’s dark and dangerous depths. Levi had done some good and could only hope he would be paid with good karma in return.

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[DD2] Dungeon Dive lvl2 - Levi 2
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In Dungeon Dives ・ By FireOmens
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Submitted By FireOmens for Level 2 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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