[DD2] Her Purpose
She knew her role very well in her small herd. She was the muscle to break or move obstacles in her way. She was the guardian for them, a protector of life down in the dungeons. Winona's unsually large size was a great asset for her, allowing for a much greater effectiveness with driving off aggressive creatures as she found that most animals were greatly put off by a Courser twice their size.
She wasn't just the muscle though, she was the eyes for finding the easiest routes through the many dangerous caverns that threatened to swallow them whole in the metaphorical sense. Even more so now that they had all started going down much deeper to reach the firey areas to have more...fun? Yeah fun adventures of being at risk of being on fire or falling into lava. But still, it was fun as Winona got to spend them with Czar and Scarlett, her first real friends in a long time that she could felt much protectiveness over.
With Scarlett though, she thought maybe they could be...closer? But what would be a long while yet and it didn't matter right now. She was content to be a tank of a mare that would throw hooves to keep her herd safe, never complaining when she was the one who was inevitably taking the brunt of any attack or trap they came across. Her coat hid any scars that she has from the occasional injuries, though she wondered how long it would be before she take on an injury that was too deep to be hidden? Winona wouldn't think about it too much, she didn't see it as an important thing. As long as she was the one receiving injury and not her herd members, then she would never stop taking an injury in their place.
- The odds of surviving the dungeon are greater in numbers. Every Courser has their role in a party: what’s yours? Or do you prefer to work alone without dividing your spoils?
Submitted By Wraithorn
for Level 2 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago