[MEDIUM] RP - An unlikely party - Campaign #1-4

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Dillyweed | Söl / Öte

After the claustrophobic cave it was a nice change of pace when the corridor opened up into a big tunnel with bricked walls. They all had taken a break after the tunnel. Reclaiming their calm. Öte and Solas had begun to flirt and be absolutely annoying. But even Öte had a slightly tired gaze as he looked around himself. The tight tunnel had most likely not been too kind on him either. It had taken energy out of them, by fear. Söl understood the feeling. It felt like the cave walls had taken his energy. Now he wanted to get back to the surface. Take a break. It didn’t scare him away from the caves. It wasn’t as if he suddenly wanted to change careers just because of one cave. He wanted to keep doing this.

All four of them rested before Solas started to get energetic again. Söl and Gerard sighed heavily and rose up from their resting places. Söl was even sure he could see Öte sigh slightly. Perhaps he had also preferred to lay for a bit longer. But the longer they let Solas walk around by himself the longer they risked an accident of any sort. Who would have thought that the most dangerous part of the campaign would be one of the team members.
Slowly they began to get ready to move out. There was a tunnel but unlike the last one it kept going forwards in a size where at least two Courses could walk beside each other. The walls seemed to be carved. Which made Söl think that at the very least they were moving towards a area created for some sort of creature. Hopefully they wouldn’t be meeting anything.

The walk was longer than they expected. Söl kept close to Gerard the whole way, but everyone, even the two lovers kept quiet. Not because they felt like they needed too. There were no signs of any dangers around them. They could even see the end of the tunnels by now. There were more lights at the end of the tunnel, the lights betrayed the room ahead of them. Söl felt quite relieved. He thought that at least it was a well lit room with a good amount of space. They wouldn’t have to squeeze. When suddenly Solas passed by him. Apparently having gotten bored during their walk he seemed to realize that they were reaching the end of the tunnels and his boredom made him rush towards it. 


416 words

AberrantKapro | Gerard / Solas

The splash courser was exhausted, he couldn't wait to be done with this adventure. He felt like Söl and him could perhaps join forces again in the future, but while he felt that way, he definitely knew he needed a social break after this whole ordeal. 

Ahead of the resting group lies a room at the end of the corridor. Gerard feels relieved that the tunnels might soon be behind them, but also cautious, considering everything that has happened so far. They couldn't possibly know what was in there, or if it was even safe at all. But before he had time to try and gather up the group after their well needed rest, Solas was up on his bouncy feet again. Terrific.. 

They all got up and made their way towards the room’s dim light. Gerard wished for them to be alert and on their toes, just in case, but he knew that was too much to ask for from the irresponsible weld puck. 


As they were about halfway through the corridor, Solas lost his patience and bolted by the rest of the group with a happily honking Robert in tow. 

He barged through the doors of the room and heard the other three courses come running behind him, that's the spirit! Time to get a move on and make their way out with some treasure! 

Solas started rummaging around for valuables, and as he pushed around and searched through all the clutter laying around, a menacing mechanical sound could suddenly be heard. He froze in place. 

“What did you do!?” Gerard growled at Solas, and before the rest of the group had time to react, the room started spinning, leaving their entrance now inaccessible. “Oh fantastic! You could have just taken our lives with your own hooves at this point, you insufferable bastard.” he angrily uttered to the puck, Gerard was beyond out of patience at this point and tempted to just throw the risk factor, Solas, down the closest pit he could find. But he had to cool down and collect himself, so he decided to back off. 

There were now two options ahead of them. Two equally menacing doors. Whichever they chose could mean their end, or hopefully, their escape. 


Solas didn't really seem to realise the gravity of what he had accidentally caused, he was just unamused at Gerard's yelling. It wasn't fair, Solas wanted to have fun too, and being slow and boring was the opposite! What a drag of a courser. A definite party pooper. Robert seemed to agree as he hissed towards Gerard. What a good goose. 

He begrudgingly walked over to Öte, not because he didn't want to be near him, but rather because he did not want to be yelled at again, and Öte usually knew how to cheer him up, so he was hoping for some comfort. Though deep inside he knew he probably didn't deserve such a thing. He looked at his boyfriend with a hopeful look, though it was barely visible underneath his extremely fluffy forelocks. 


509 words

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[MEDIUM] RP - An unlikely party - Campaign #1-4
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In Campaigns ・ By AberrantKapro, Dillyweed
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Submitted By AberrantKapro for Campaign - Medium
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

AberrantKapro: Writer
Dillyweed: Writer
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[[MEDIUM] RP - An unlikely party - Campaign #1-4 by AberrantKapro, Dillyweed (Literature)](https://dungeon-coursers.com/gallery/view/3262)
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