[MEDIUM] The Thieves - Leiken, Euele, Hawkes and Solace

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They were back at it again.

Though this time, it wasn't they who had decided to come down here on their own.
Much like the first time when they had first joined together to head down into the belly of the dungeon to scour the beasts and the hells, this expedition had been started by a simple letter from the Azimuth family.

Evidently the family was grateful to Hawkes, Solace and Euel for keeping an eye on their wayward child and were now asking for them to find somewhere else in the dungeon to explore. Apparently they weren't all that fond of having gotten the news multiple times that the Azimuth heir they had so entrusted to that little group had gotten their child almost killed. And Euele had to agree their apprehension about diving in such a proven dangerous area was well warranted. What she wouldn't mention in her reply letter was that, no, they hadn't planned on going back there, and nothing in the dungeon below or the skies above to drive them back into that cursed tower.

When she and Solace had shaken Hawkes awake, no one could deny the sleepy look of horror that claimed their features as they begged not to go down into that place ever again. Unfortunately for Hawkes, no one in the party was going to let them live that down, and as they had descended, it was the new joke between Leiken and the others.

With their head low and ears pinned, Hawkes had led them into several bits of hilarious trouble on the way down, and between stomping imps, and cleverly avoiding stepping on fairy gazebos they were fairly successful. Eventually they'd reached an unmapped portion of the Earthen Furnace, and between the three of them, collected quite a bit of valuable loot and of course, books. And it was when they were heading back to camp that they ran into their first bit of trouble on this run into the dungeon. 

Both the adventurers and their pets were quite exhausted as they dragged themselves back to camp, the banter cheerful, the warmth of satisfaction heavy in their bones as they tiredly tramped closer and closer to their temporary home. Que was curled up atop Euele's broad back with Acherna and Hawkey, all three of the silly little beasts snoring away as they cuddled atop the largest of the party's members. Euele had been singing to keep herself awake, Hawkes and Leiken having followed suite and singing along while Solace, heavily laden with clinking metals, served as their makeshift procession. 

"Wait." Solace's voice broke into the other's song, causing them to still as the serious nature of the word seeped through them. 

"What's wrong Solace?" Euele's words were like the first day of spring, cool and fresh and brimming with colour begging to push past a blanket of snow. Her ears perked and she warily lifted her head. 

"Intruders." Solace's expression shifted towards a scowl as xey spoke, looking frustrated.  As everyone went quiet to listen to Solace, they could hear what had inspired the thought in their companion. Just barely audible over the sound of their hooves was the distant sound of unfamiliar chatter and the unmistakable sound of something getting rummaged through.

Euele let out a terrible groan, the sound halfway between a sigh and a growl as she launched herself forwards, the others quickly rushing to keep up as she surged ahead.

"What are you doing in my camp?" Staff now at her side, when the others caught up to her she was already looking like she was about to get into a fight. The interlopers were a group of three normal looking coursers, they were adorned in armor and gear and looked like they had been doing well for themselves, which perhaps, had helped ignite the fury blazing in her expression.

"Your camp? You left it bloody well alone, we didn't know." One of the three dared to speak, despite the words it was clear this was planned, they had known the entire time.

Hawkes let out a single chuckle, the sound stricken with disbelief. "Well, we're here now, so that should tell you to drop what you were stealing and leave. We were only gone for an hour to go find water." At a look of doubt from one of the thieves, Hawkes rushed to add more context as the theives stared at all the loot hanging from their packs. "Instead we got sidetracked, we did eventually find water but not before finding... stuff." Their ears pinned. 

Leiken stepped forwards, looking very cross and very tired, a spark of magic in his peach coloured eyes as he spoke next. "We are very tired, and would like to simply lay down and rest. I would bet that Euele is the most tired of us all ash she's carrying the most, and... well, to put it simply, it is a very bad idea to get on the wrong side of her. So I will say this once, and only once. Leave now, I do not care if you take what you stole, for if we get our teeth in you, you will hardly wish you had lived to tell the tale even if you do escape with our hard work." 

"Oh? Really? I know that face of yours, that delicate frame. You're one of them Azimuth horses." One of the thieves spat between broken teeth. Despite their initial looks, it seemed this wasn't the first time that the group had done something such as this. "Threatening us with your bodyguard, are you boy?" She leered.

"No I am not." Leiken's voice softened and grew still, and like a pond after a rain, turned to glass. "I simply wish to warn you. She is no dog on a leash, but you will wish that someone had her on a leash once she is done with you." 

Hawkes stepped forwards. "We've seen what happens when she burns with rage." A bit of awe crept into their voice. "She's like a brilliant star, burning through the world." A very, very elegant description, but not at all accurate to what she had done to Jonas. 

Solace heaved a sigh and joined in. "And I must step in to say Leiken is no gentle flower either. He has studied the magic of the dungeon and knows it well." Xir eyes flicked towards Leiken, noticing the strange glint within his eyes, xey continued. "You would do well not to mess with any of us, really. We are not new here."

Euele stepped forward, baring her teeth as the next words flooded the air with ice-cold conviction. "Speak carefully, your next words."

The three thieves bunched up on either side of their leader, staring at Leiken and Euele uncertainly when the leader eventually spoke. "You can find somewhere else to set up your camp. We're actually quite comfy here. Plenty to do and see, and such wonderfully comfy tents."

Solace, Leiken, Hawkes and Euele managed to sigh in unison as they stepped forwards together in a uniform line. "Wrong decision." Leiken's voice cracked through the air as lightning arced like a serpents tongue and darted amongst the scattering thieves. And just like that, with a crash of thunder and the roar of hooves, the fight had begun.

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[MEDIUM] The Thieves - Leiken, Euele, Hawkes and Solace
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In Campaigns ・ By TheSentientBurger

You head back to your makeshift camp to rest after a brief but perilous exploration of a pit nearby. When you return, you find that another adventuring party has taken up residence and is rummaging through your treasure! Diplomacy is ineffective; these ruffians won't move unless you move them.

Submitted By TheSentientBurger for Campaign - Medium
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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[[MEDIUM] The Thieves - Leiken, Euele, Hawkes and Solace by TheSentientBurger (Literature)](https://dungeon-coursers.com/gallery/view/3098)
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