Mira and the stranger.

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Mira had been in the dungeon for a couple of days now. The trip had been a fairly successful one so far, she had managed to restock on some items she used often in her medicines.

There was always a threat of danger in the dungeon but there was also so much beauty, Mira admired the glowing flora and the patterns it formed on the walls around her. She found a sense of peace in these moments of her dive, it was what called to her most. What kept her coming down here.
Closing her eyes she took a deep breath, the quiet was so soothing, it was something she missed when in her home above.

“Hello!! Hello?! Can anyone hear me? I need help!” A shout came from the dungeon. Mira’s eyes snapped open, there was someone else down here? They were lost? This place had been known to play tricks on people and Mira did not want to become one of the lost.
“Err.. Hello?? Who are you?” Mira called out in the dim light, her ears on a swivel listening for a reply.
“Aah!! Hello! Finally someone else down here, i thought i was going to end up joining the lost. Unless.. don’t tell me you are lost down here too?” Mira snorted, her ears flattening back,
“Sorry! I don’t mean to offend, I’m just so relieved to finally hear someone else’s voice.” The apology sounded sincere, and Mira could tell how tired the stranger sounded.
Sighing Mira turned to the direction she last heard the voice from,
“Ok stranger, keep talking and I’ll come to you.”

The stranger started talking again, mentioning all the things they had seen whilst down here. How they had gotten lost when they discovered the glowing plants along the walls.
They had explained how they had been distracted by its beauty and before they knew it they had wandered off from their usual path and in their effort to try and find their way out they had gotten even more lost.

Mira was close to the stranger now, a slight breeze had carried the scent of the stranger to her. She was close. Rounding a corner she came upon the stranger.
He was large, his coat a beautiful chestnut colour, rich and warm. But he was also exhausted, his time down in the dungeon without proper food and water had taken its toll.
“Ah, I wish i could have made a better first impression.” He struggled to his feet from his slumped position, he made a short half bow before he had to lay down again. His breathing was a little strained.
“Don’t fret so my lady, I’m sure with your help i will be fighting fit in no time.” Mira hadn’t meant to let her worry show on her face but she was sure that he had been down here far, far longer then he had told her.

Immediately she set to work, pulling ingredients out of her satchel she started to make a broth, the water would help him to hydrate and the mushrooms and roots she added would help fill him up and give him some more energy. Hopefully enough she could help him move to a better place to rest.
The stranger watched her fussing with her bag and making the broth, he was taken aback, to think his rescuer would be someone so beautiful and kind. He closed his eyes, listening to her mutterings and the sounds of her making, he was so glad for the company. He had been alone so long.

Mira looked across at the stranger, his eyes closed and his breaths coming slowly and deeply. This must be the first chance he has had to truly rest in a while. She let him sleep. She would keep watch for both of them.
A few hours had passed when she heard the stranger stir, he yawned and looked around sleepily. He looks sweet like that, mane all messed up. Mira dismissed the thought as quickly as it had come.
“Did you rest well? Here, eat this it will help you feel better.” She pushed the bowl of broth toward him.
Lowering his nose to the bowl the stranger sniffed at it
“I slept well, better then i have in a long time. I did wonder if i had lost my mind and made you up. I’m glad you are here, i don’t think my imagination would have been able to conjure up such a delicious bowl of food.”

The compliment made Mira happy, she lifted her head confidently. Compliments to her cooking always made her happiest, she liked caring for people.
On the surface others enjoyed her cooking too, but lately there had been a layer of expectation with their compliments. Her parents were the worst offenders, constantly asking when she was going to give them a grandchild. Or the newest plan they tried to get her to agree to was to marry someone she didn’t even know the name of! All she knew was that she wouldn’t be his first wife. (While she had no issue with having multiple partners she was hardly going to agree when she didn’t know his name).

“My lady, i think you are running away with your thoughts, is everything ok?” Mira’s head snapped up and she blushed
“Erm, yes, sorry! I just realised we don’t even know each others names.” The stranger could tell it was a lie but he wasn’t going to press her.
“Well then, allow me the honour of introducing myself properly”, he stood, then bowed low.
“My name is Theodal, I am indebted to you my lady.” He rose and smiled down at her waiting.
Stumbling slightly Mira hurriedly stood,
“My name is Mira, you owe me no debt” she smiled up at him.

Mira became hyper aware of his gaze being on her, she didn’t know what to do. The longer she spent thinking about what to do or say the more she felt it would be too awkward. Just before she could blurt out something embarrassing, a loud croak echoed down the tunnel they were in. The sound seemed to echo on and last for minutes.
Mira and Theodal looked at each other and burst into laughter.

“I think i should finally help you leave this place Theodal.” Mira looked to him tears of laughter still in her eyes.

“Yes please Lady Mira, though i am glad i will have your company for a while longer.” Mira didn’t try to hide her blush this time.

Theodal helped her pack her supplies and they begin to make their way steadily to the exit of the dungeon.

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Mira and the stranger.
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In Dungeon Dives ・ By Secretforest

"You stumble upon a fellow adventurer who is hopelessly lost on this level of the dungeon. Will you help them? *Can* you help them?"


Mira manages to help a stranger and is that a spark she is feeling?

Submitted By Secretforest
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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