[DD 1] Finders...Finders....

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Luck undergrowth, damp cobblestone, and the smell of mould and other plant life. A loud snort echoes in the corridor, A bay coated Courser stalks in, a hesitant expression on his face, eyes loving too and fro. Aladar does NOT want to encounter any little pests that’ll be too much of a problem. Hooves tap at the damp floor, sometimes feeling the greenery under hoof. So far they've ventured in and looked in the usual corridors the horse looks in just in case any stray adventures happen to leave their stuff. They always do…finders keepers as the world says! 

Besides, it’s been hard trying to find decent jobs, and Aladar hates working with snotty upper horses. Always wants to make them nip and holler. They were a chill courser most of the time, just bloated headed coursers were the line that was drawn… All this thinking causes Aladar’s tail to fwish and hit their right withers in annoyance. Soon slowly it becomes an actual cavern, stalagmites and stalactites covered in moss and foliage, some small beasties scuttle or scamper about. Causing a hoof to slam down.  “I swear hunters don’t do their damn jobs.” Aladar hissed. Ears pinning against his head. The day continues on, looking between nooks, safe spots. So on. The small lantern hooked on their side flickers. Ears shot up and so did Aladar’s head, a loud echoing Squeal bounces off the cavern’s walls. Was someone in trouble? The bay wasn’t much of a helper, more so of a self-preservationist. His life was more important, but maybe…-maybe-. He could get coins out of this! Besides, there’s always nobles who don’t know where they’re going. Aladar stalks to the sound, now calling out:


“Anyone there?!” As their lungs squeeze so the sound may travel further, and within a few more heartbeats, a response. A soft voice, feminine in sound, hints of concern and worry linger beside such softness. “Y-yes! I’m in a pit of a situation!” She hollers back. A low Whicker comes out of Aladar, “Okay! Stay there!” He finally replied, as his hooves carried them into a canter. Hooves echo rhythmically on the stone and pebbles, sometimes kicking up moss, mulch, and small stones. The bay rears to a halt, to find the one who owns the voice. A white and Madder Buckskin Courser, red, black and white, looking like those spotted fish…This was Eurydice. She was caught in a situation where vines, and spiderwebs locked two of her back hooves and covered up to her ankles; her tail twitching and flicks spiders off that happen to crawl and at intruder. Aladar blinks a few times, was she -that- stuck?? But, she did look pretty ‘noble’ like…somewhat. He looks around, before humming, and walks over, craning their neck down to inspect the hole from afar. “Okay uhh- just…just dont squirm.” he instructed, now moving his hooves and rearing on his hind legs to lift their body up; Eurydice, the horse stuck in this situation, braces, somewhat trying to drag her body away…oh boy….

With a few quick slams rocks cave in and clatter to what seems to be another level! The webs and vines follow pursuit as Eurydice is now free. Front hooves pressing on the ground to pull herself up with a grunt. Aladar simply watches the rocks fall in the hole before looking back up to the other. She shakes herself off, sending dust and some spiders flying. The Dun bay scoots away to not be hit. There was some awkwardness in the silent air, but Eurydice smiled. “Thank you…and sorry for, such a silly cry for help…” she said, both in thanks and apologise. Aladar arches a brow on his face, he huffed, “Nah don't mention it. I don't do this much anyways so might as well help…i guess.” He shrugs, if horses could shrug. Eurydice hummed, “You dont? You really should. You oddly were a natural at it. Even if it was a small thing.” The bay hummed, That, oddly did feel nice. Being complemented….Aladar clears his throat. “Anyywaaayyssss….Yeah, uh-” he stops “Here.”, craning his neck to grab the lantern and gives it to Eurydice to grab. Eurydice was hesitant to take it, didn't he need it? To venture and maybe do what he does down here? She didn't know, and simply didn't want him to have the same fate. “No No, keep it. I think i’ll join you for a bit. So we both can have a buddy down here if we get into any situations.” Eurydice advised, some sternness making a front. Aladar blinks, and nods, now hooking the lantern back up. “Alrighty. But, I DO want to ask. Why the hell are you down here? You know, getting caught in that?” he asked, now moving, Eurydice quickly follows before taking the lead and now taking the reins in the adventure. Aladar didn't care. He's just keeping an eye out for things. “To look for things, like everyone else is doing, gear, pets, materials, and so on.” That was a rather blunt answer. But most coursers do the same thing…just like Aladar, but he's preying on those who leave their things behind. A hum comes out of their throat. “What about you? since you were so quick to ask?” she shot back, giving a glance behind her to make eye contact, a sense of being caught red handed filled Aladar’s chest. “UHhhh….same thing. Trying to make it by and all.” he replied. Eurydice hummed in response to that.

“Eurydice.” she spoke, a small nicker come outs of the Bay “Huh-?” he asked, “Eurydice. My name? I'm introducing myself.” she replied. “Oh. I almost said Gesundheit.” He replied, snorting. Eurydice joined in amusement. “Aladar.” he finally replied.

“Aladar.” Eurydice echos, “A pleasure meet you cave hero.”


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[DD 1] Finders...Finders....
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In General Art / Lit ・ By Stoatsharvest

resubmitted cuz imma dork :,), didnt mean to make it a gift thing

Submitted By Stoatsharvest
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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