[DD1] The Abyss Beckons

In Dungeon Dives ・ By Queen
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The dungeon’s silence was as oppressive as the darkness, a void that seemed to swallow oxygen itself. Shion’s hooves echoed softly against the stone as she ventured deeper into the labyrinth, veering off previously familiar paths in her quest to explore every square inch of the seemingly infinite ruins. The damp air around her was thick with the scent of ancient earth, and her breath misted in the chill. Her silver eyelashes shimmered faintly in the dim light of her lantern.

The tunnel had been eerily quiet for what felt like hours, not even the squeak of a bat. The steady rhythm of her footsteps was the only sign of meaningful progress. Her spirits were still weighed down by the earlier conversation with her sister and the memories that had resurfaced. She replayed the last argument with her father, which had ended with her storming off months ago. As much as she tried to focus on her surroundings, a pang of guilt rattled around in her ribs.

"Maybe I should pay him a visit soon," she muttered to herself with a sigh. "I know he means well... I just wish he would understand that this is something I need to do."

Suddenly, the ground beneath her shifted, and a strange vibration thrummed through her hooves. She paused, her ears flicking forward as she detected an unusual, almost imperceptible sound—a low, continuous hum. It was unlike anything she had heard before.

Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the cavern floor. Then she saw it: a hole, dark and yawning, nestled in the midst of a smooth, seemingly undisturbed section of rock. It wasn’t the entrance to the next level of the dungeon, which was always marked by elaborate runes or ancient symbols. This was different—almost as if the very stone had given way, revealing an unnatural abyss.

Despite the instincts that screamed at her to retreat, a powerful compulsion drew Shion closer. Her heart pounded with a strange sense of anticipation. The hole seemed to beckon her, its edges curling inward as if trying to pull her in with invisible tendrils. The humming grew louder, resonating within her bones.

She leaned closer, peering into the depths. The darkness below was absolute, as though the hole led not just to the bowels of the earth but to some otherworldly realm. An unsettling sensation prickled at her skin, but she couldn’t tear her gaze away.

"Well, isn’t this fascinating," Shion murmured, her voice a soft whisper in the void. “What secrets are you hiding, I wonder?”

Her curiosity, always her driving force, warred with her sense of self-preservation. The allure of the unknown was overpowering. Her mind raced with possibilities—hidden chamber, ancient trap, or something far more significant.

"You know, Father wouldn’t approve,” she said with a wry smile. Without hesitation, she reached into her satchel and pulled out a rope and a few weighted stones—tools she always carried for emergencies. With practiced efficiency, she anchored the rope to a sturdy outcropping of rock nearby and let the rest dangle into the void.

As she prepared to descend, her lantern’s flickering light caught a glint of something strange on the rim of the hole. Shion squinted, her eyes straining to focus. It was a faint, almost imperceptible shimmer, like a delicate veil hanging over the abyss.

Her pulse quickened. It wasn’t just darkness down there—there was something elusive and enigmatic that she couldn’t quite grasp. Without further hesitation, she tied the rope around her waist and took a deep breath, her resolve steeling against the strange sensation still pulling her toward the abyss.

With a final glance at the cavern floor, she stepped forward into the darkness. The rope held firm as she descended, the humming sound growing louder and more insistent, until it seemed to fill every corner of her mind. Shion’s eyes adjusted slowly to the gloom as the light of her lantern dwindled to a mere flicker. The descent was slow but steady, the rope sliding through her hooves with reassuring friction. Every inch she descended, the feeling of being drawn inward intensified. The walls of the hole seemed to close in around her, yet she could sense an immense space opening up below.

Finally, she reached the end of the rope and lowered herself onto what felt like a solid, foliage-covered surface. The cavern around her was vast, the walls lined with ancient markings and symbols glowing faintly in the darkness. Shion took a moment to steady herself, her eyes adjusting to the ethereal glow.

As she began to explore, she noticed the air here was different—thicker, charged with an energy that made her hair stand on end. The humming was now a low, resonant vibration that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once. It was as if the cavern itself was alive, breathing in rhythm with her own pounding heartbeat.

With renewed determination, Shion calmly took her first steps into the mysterious chamber. Each step felt like an echo in a vast emptiness, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was not alone. The ancient symbols on the walls seemed to writhe and shift in her peripheral vision. Shion approached one of the walls, her silver hooves barely making a sound as they grazed the uneven floor. Her lantern cast a flickering light that danced across the glowing script. She traced a delicate hoof over the markings, her breath catching as she felt a faint, tingling sensation beneath her touch. It was as though the symbols were responding to her presence, their glow intensifying slightly.

The symbols swirled and reformed into a new shape, suddenly becoming a mirror that reflected the swirling darkness and Shion's own image. She leaned in closer, her breath fogging up the surface momentarily. Suddenly, a shiver ran down her spine as the mirror’s surface began to swirl once more, revealing an image—a familiar scene: an adventurer’s camp, just like the one she had grown up in. The camp was quiet, the fire burning low, and a figure sat hunched over a map, their features obscured by shadow. Shion's heart pounded. The figure’s posture and the surroundings were unmistakable—it was her father, Theron, in one of the few glimpses she had ever seen of him from this era.

Before she could react, the image shifted, and the mirror began to show a scene from the past. Her mother, Elara, was there—her face radiant and confident as she examined a strange, ancient artifact.

"Mother?!" Shion gasped.

The scene shifted yet again, showing her mother and a group of adventurers moving through a maze of twisting corridors, their expressions serious but hopeful. Shion’s breath caught in her throat as she watched the vision unfold. She saw the exact moment when her mother had been separated from her group, a fleeting glimpse of her reaching toward a darkened passage before disappearing from view.

A sudden gust of air swept through the chamber, extinguishing Shion’s lantern and plunging her into darkness. The resonant hum intensified into a cacophony of whispers that seemed to echo from every corner of the cavern.

Shion stood frozen, her heart racing as the whispers grew louder, each one a fragment of a conversation she couldn’t quite make out. She fumbled for her lantern, her grip on her tinder trembling as she tried to relight it. When the flame finally flickered back to life, she was met with an unnerving silence. The whispers had ceased, leaving only the steady, rhythmic hum.

She turned her attention back to the mirror, its surface now only reflecting her anxious expression. Then, suddenly, it disappeared entirely. No more mirror, no more symbols—just a seemingly ordinary cavern.

Extremely perplexed and frustrated, Shion frowned as she replayed the events in her mind. "What does this mean? How does it—"


The sudden, panicked call made Shion wheel around just as a trio of teethed tentacles launched themselves toward her. Moritz thundered onto the scene, gripping their weapon tightly as it sliced clean through the nearest tendril. The cavern erupted into chaotic motion as Shion stumbled back, her eyes wide with shock and confusion. The tentacles, covered in slimy, glistening mucus, thrashed violently, seeking to ensnare her and pull her deeper into the cavern’s maw. Their movements were erratic, driven by an insatiable hunger.

Moritz darted forward with precision, their blade cleaving through the writhing appendages with the grace of someone far more experienced in the dungeons. Shion’s lantern flickered wildly as she struggled to maintain her footing on the shifting, uneven ground. The overpowering scent of rot and decay mingled with the acrid smell of the monster’s breath.

Shion glanced at Moritz, who was fighting off another tentacle with fierce determination. “Moritz! What are you—”

“It’s not just a cavern,” Moritz said, their voice steady and devoid of panic. “We’re inside a creature.”

The realization hit Shion like a physical blow. The walls were slick with a substance that seemed to pulse, all designed to daze and entrap its victims. The spell she was under had worn off and suddenly it was all so obvious.

“U-understood!” Shion shouted back, her mind racing as she unsheathed her hunting knife and swung it wildly to keep the remaining tentacles at bay, their movements growing increasingly frantic as Moritz cleared a path for her.

With a final swing, Moritz cut through the last of the threatening tentacles. The cavern trembled, and the room seemed to calm, the relentless hum fading to a low, menacing growl. For now. 

“We need to leave. Now,” Moritz stated, their voice firm and focused as they scanned the cavern for any additional threats.

Shion didn’t need any further encouragement. With Moritz leading the way, they began to retrace their steps, the cavern’s strange and unsettling energies lingering around them. Shion glanced back one last time at the now-blank space where the mirror had been, her mind awash with the secrets and visions it had revealed. The ancient whispers, her mother’s fleeting image, and the powerful entity lurking in the depths were all parts of a larger puzzle that she had yet to fully understand.

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[DD1] The Abyss Beckons
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In Dungeon Dives ・ By Queen
Level 1: Overgrown Caverns

You find a hole in the cavern floor. It is not the entrance to the dungeon’s next level, which has been clearly marked by generations of Coursers. Something draws you closer to the mouth against your own instincts. It wishes to swallow you, and you are compelled to let it. What do you do?

<< Previous: The Origins of Shion || Next: [DD1] Ghosts of the Past >>

Submitted By Queen for Level 1 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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