[BOSS] A dead end once again

In Campaigns ・ By Ziw
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Amidala got quite worried when Johnny suddenly started to rush the group. And apparently it wasn’t because of danger. He was galloping like a madman through the corridors. She was starting to feel like it wasn’t a good idea to let him lead.

- Come on, come on! That’s the way to the treasure chamber! We’ve been here before Ami!

- What is he talking about?! - Trinket asked from the back, trying their best to keep up with the group.

- I don’t know but a good gallop is fun! - A Puck Rocky yelled happily and sped up, as if challenging Johnny to a race. 

- Just be careful guys! - Amidala pleaded but didn’t really expect them to listen.

The boys went ahead, pushing each other playfully, trying to take the lead. Soon enough they disappeared from Ami’s and Trinket’s view. They slowed down, there was no need to rush now.

- This is madness. Didn’t you say that we’re supposed to play safe down here?

- Yea we should… - Amidala sighed - but that’s just Johnny in all his glory. Don’t worry, I know the way.

Taking another turn they ran into Bob. Johnny’s tiny snail. He was sitting alone in the middle of the corridor. He must’ve been fighting for his damn life sitting on the Courser’s back.

- Did this moron leave you behind? - Ami walked over to the snail and let him crawl on her withers - don’t worry, he didn’t mean it. He is just dumb.

- Are you sure he didn’t mean it?

- Yea…I am. He cares about this snail more than about us.

And as if to answer Trinket’s question, they heard a heavy beat of hooves coming their way. Johnny showed up from behind a corner. He stopped in front of them like a reining horse. Hooves scratching on the marbled floors of the dungeon. Wide eyed, heavy breathing, scared like he has seen a ghost.


- Calm down, he is right here.

Johnny took a deep breath and visibly relaxed when he saw Bob sitting on Amidala’s back. He looked at him thoroughly, getting sure that he isn't injured from the fall.

-  I'm sorry buddy... - he clearly felt guilty - Can you take care of him for a bit?

- Of course I can…

The leader threw a ‘thank you’, turned around and ran off disappearing once again. Way far in the distance they could hear a “Ha! Loser!” from Rocky.


Coursers from the back slowly continued down the corridor. Ami was clearly looking for something, carefully checking the walls around them. 

- You said you know the way - Trinket asked, uncertain - Are we lost or something?

- No, it’s just… last time we were here we missed a pattern on the walls. A pattern that showed the answer to a riddle further. Well… everyone except Midas missed it. And he saved our asses. 

- Who is Midas?

- That’s a long story - Amidala cut the conversation because she found what she was looking for. She trotted to one of the walls. A colorful pattern was spread across the surface - It’s… different - the markings seemed like they were painted new. Like the paint was still fresh - we need to remember the positions of the colors.


The road forward was exhausting. There were no branching paths anymore. Just one, long corridor with a steep downward slope. Ami and Trinket were carefully continuing their journey, chatting, sharing their dungeon experiences. The peace was soon disturbed by screams echoing down the hall. It was, of course, Johnny and Rocky arguing.

- YOU SAID YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO! - Rocky was jumping around frantically, like a kid throwing a tantrum. 


Coursers from the back joined the stallions at the riddle wall. The idea was to push the panels on the floor in the right order. Johnny was jumping on the panels over and over again. The old mechanism behind the wall was screeching in agony. Clearly something wasn’t right.

- I don’t understand… green, yellow, red, red, green. That’s what worked last time! - he was clearly getting frustrated, angry even. Continuing to push the buttons and expecting a different outcome - Did Midas just pull it out of his ass?! How did it work?!

Amidala was silent for a moment. She looked back at Trinket and then Bob. Sighed. 

- He didn’t pull it out of his ass. He was right - she finally spoke.

- Why is it not working then? - Rocky asked, he was clearly still high on adrenaline from racing - Mister Mighty Leader here is sure he is doing it right. 

- Shut up, you’re not helping - Johnny growled at the puck. 

- We should make you walk all the way back to the entrance, you know. For being so sure of yourself. You could use your brain from time to time, Johnny - Ami felt pretty proud of herself. She never really argued with the roan stallion. She didn’t have to. He was impulsive and crude, but also brave and caring when needed.

Johnny stopped and looked at her. Puzzling expression on his face. He was clearly trying to use his brain right now. 

- Do we have to go back..?

- No. We don’t. 

- What makes you so sure?

- Because I listen and pay attention, Johnny - the palomino mare put a clear emphasis on the stallion's name. Getting sure that he gets his lack of attention - Midas said that he found the pattern at the entrance. We checked it with Trinket. It was changed recently.

- So the pattern is different? - Rocky asked quietly.

- That’s what ‘changed’ means. 

- Someone is getting cocky here - Johnny commented, but gave her a bold smile. He trotted next to her and bumped her croup with his own. Bob sitting at her back jumped up, almost falling off… again - sooo… what is the pattern?

- Now you’re being nice to me? 

- I was always nice to you.

- I can’t really confirm - Rocky threw in.

- No one was asking you - Johnny didn’t even look at the puck.

It was actually Trinket who got fed up with all of this. They walked towards the panels and pushed them with confidence. Red, green, Red, yellow, yellow. They looked back at the group and slowly shook their head mercifully. The mechanism started to work, moving with a clear ease. The doors started to open. 

- Shall we continue? 

- From this time forward we are in front - Amidala stated - Johnny watches our backs. And you Rocky, no racing. 

The stallions didn’t say a word. The roan took Bob back on his back and waited for everyone else to go ahead. 

- Did you hear her? - he whispered to the snail - Me on the back? Unbelievable.

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[BOSS] A dead end once again
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In Campaigns ・ By Ziw
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Submitted By Ziw for Campaign - Boss
Submitted: 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 weeks ago

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