[DD1] suddenly, fish
**Polaris - In the caverns, the growling of stomachs makes an echo. What do you do when you (and/or your party) get hungry?**
Polaris ripped another mouthful of the sweet-smelling herb from the ground. It would make a nice garnish for the salad he was putting together- he was now something of a connoisseur of the cavern's plants, and even Cairn appreciated the mixture of bright and earthy flavours Polaris managed to combine with such skill. They could graze the plants that grew in the Overgrown Caverns, of course, but when they could, they'd settle for a morale-boosting prepared meal.
He'd caught and roasted a mushroom earlier, and his companion was currently off finding some cave vines ("the non-poisonous type, please, Cairn!") to add texture to the dish. Knowing the other courser, there was a non-zero chance of Cairn returning with a massive bundle of questionable plants and asking Polaris to explain the difference between an edible meal and a deadly one. Polaris had had to learn to build a teaching buffer into most things now, but he was glad of the company.
The distant screech of a hawk echoed through the cavern. Seconds later, Freja deposited a still-flapping, dripping-wet fish in front of him before flying off again. A string of curses erupted from Polaris' mouth as he was startled into dropping the herbs, and he rushed forward to end the creature's suffering with a swift blow of his hoof.
Calm now, he pulled a large leaf off the plant next to him and wrapped the fish in it, piling the herbs on top so he could carry it in one go. He'd bake the herb-crusted fish in the coals of their fire. What a nice meal this was turning out to be.
Submitted By Riptide
for Level 1 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago