[DD1] Unfortunate Dining Decisions

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Moss was mostly edible. As long as it was green and didn’t have anything visibly oozing from it, Bowie knew. He’d made sure to check it, as well, for any oddly coloured bits. 

He’d misjudged how long he’d been down in this dungeon, and misjudged how much food he should logically bring, and thus, almost like clockwork, ended up having too little for the length of time he spent down here. 

Thus, in the moment, he finds himself staring fixedly at a clump of green moss sitting on a rock just at shoulder level. His stomach was rumbling something fierce, and he wanted desperately to just…take a nibble. What could it hurt, right? Worst case, it tastes disgusting, he spits it out, and tries something else. Optionally, he could do the smart thing and just out, take this little journey as a loss and call it a day.

That WOULD be the smart thing to do.

Since when did he ever do the smart thing? 

Snorting loudly, he shrugs his broad shoulders and takes a bite. 

It isn’t terrible. It also isn’t amazing. The greeny flavor is underscored by a hint of what is likely mold, or something Bowie doesn’t want to think about. He isn’t even sure why he’s contemplating the flavor at all, considering he’s just chewing on something to fill his stomach, and likely should have just gone home instead of subjecting himself to whatever he’s doing right now. 

Swallowing the mouthful he has, he mentally shrugs and takes another bite, while covertly glancing around to make sure no one sees him pulling this rather stupid risk just to grab a snack while down in a dungeon. He snags another bite, snorting at a trio of little spidery looking critters that don’t seem to appreciate how close he is standing to the wall.

His chewing slows down as his brain catches up with his eyes. Did he just eat their nest? Was the moss where they were living? Did he just eat a bunch of bug babies?

Oh no. His mouth drops open, and the half chewed moss just flops out, along with a healthy amount of spluttering as Bowie desperately tries to remove the likely tainted moss from his mouth. 

Definitely time to give up, Bowie thinks to himself, wiping his mouth on a handy rock before beating a retreat back the way he came. Ugh!!

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[DD1] Unfortunate Dining Decisions
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In Dungeon Dives ・ By Meeshmoosh

"In the caverns, the growling of stomachs makes an echo. What do you do when you (and/or your party) get hungry?"

Submitted By Meeshmoosh for Level 1 Dungeon Dive
Submitted: 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 weeks ago

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