[HARD] A Joke - Room 1

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They were not a party of creatures that should have made it this far. 

And yet here they were. 

The Sham.

The Hound.

The Vampire.

The Apothecary.

And they were all working together.
Actually, that was a strong statement. A bit too strong for the groups current status.

The lot of them sounded more like a joke than a group of actual adventurers, and they were giving off the very same energy.

Hound was sniffing around the floor, staring warily at the others. Jonas and his mimic were trying to figure out if the stone faces above the doorways could be pried off and taken, and perhaps even sold. Meanwhile, The Apothecary had Esra backed into a corner and was questioning him about where he came from or if he was what he had claimed to be when they first met. In other words, there was no working together. They were all doing anything but actually trying to figure out what was going on in this room.

It had been a bit of a miracle that they'd gotten here in the first place. After stumbling through the Overgrown Caverns they'd all fallen into a pit which had led them to here. The room with the faces over the door. None of them had really known what to do when the stones had started talking, Jonas had suggested trying to break them off the wall to sell them, meanwhile all the hair along Hound's spine had started fluffing up as she prowled into the corner. And now they were in the very same positions that you, dear reader, first found them in.

"SO, uh, Jonas, what were you saying about the faces?" Esra asked, pushing past The Apothecary and its trailing slime in a brilliant attempt to avoid further questioning from the unsettling green courser.

Jonas' head whipped around and dropped off of where he was attempting to stand atop his mimic companion. "Finally! Someone willing to do business." He grinned that charming grin of his as Esra carefully approached. "These faces promise riches, do they not? Well, what if they are the riches? I would be there are several coursers above ground who would love to get their hooves on these. And if we could get them off carefully they might even pay a full price. What do you say? If you help me get these down and carrying them up to the surface I'd give you a third of what I make!"

"Um... erhm well I feel like that's a bit of a bad idea, actually." Esra stammered. "I do think we should just follow the path forwards. If either of them is telling the truth then there are great riches just beyond this room. We'll just have to work a bit harder to find them." His tail swished as he gazed uncertainly back towards the green courser looming towards him.

"If I may..." The near draconic sounding rumble of The Apothecary's voice caused the air surrounding them to hush and go still. "Do not touch anything, or take anything that needs to be pried from the Dungeon's grasp. You will regret it if you do." The space between Jonas and The Apothecary seemed to shrink far far too much as it stared into Jonas' golden gaze. "Beware." 

Jonas took a sweeping step backwards and waved a golden hoof in the air. "Oh go be a killjoy elsewhere." Despite all the bravado he managed to squeeze into his words, Jonas sounded off-put by The Apothecary as he scooted further away.

Esra heaved a sigh. This was awful. How had he gotten dragged into this? He heaved a sigh and looked up at the two door's groaning patrons. What if he... just went through one and let them continue on with their shenanigans? His gaze briefly met the Hound's and they both blinked emptily at each other. Well... yeah he was just going to go. Esra turned his back towards The Apothecary and Jonas and stared up at the faces before starting forwards. He almost jumped when he felt the Hound brush past him, trotting in front of him and through the door he had been thinking about going through. He followed, one ear flicking back to listen as Jonas and The Apothecary continued to chatter.

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[HARD] A Joke - Room 1
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In Campaigns ・ By TheSentientBurger

You encounter a fork in the dungeon marked by two doorways. Above one, a face in the rock smiles. Above the other, a face frowns. Both begin to speak, and in their craggy voices try to convince you to go through the door beneath them.


I don't know about this one. x'D I tried something different and I have no clue how I feel about it. I like writing about the Apothecary but otherwise i have no clue how I feel about this particular team up.  These guys made me laugh, hopefully they survive this.

Submitted By TheSentientBurger for Campaign - Hard
Submitted: 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 weeks ago

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