[MEDIUM] Slip'n'slide

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The small little feral kid stands their bold and brave, while so young, this isn't her first time down in the dungeons, but this is the first time she is willing asking for a group to travel down farther. She wants to go deeper into the dungeons, she wants the loot, but most of all. She wants a weapon! She's seen some of those other coursers with swords and she wants one, even asked how they got one and all of them had brushed her off like she was some flea! She'd show them a flea, she bit them just as hard as one.

So of course when Mutt was thrown into a group they had all left her behind, not a place for children, and so now Mutt had decided to take it into her own hands. She will start her own group she she can prove she is as feral as she looks! Mutt huffs as she stands proudly awaiting her team.


Daemon stretched as he looked over the names on the party contract he’d obtained. Aphelion? Weird name. Muttonchops? Weirder. Though the last name brought a bit of a smile to his lips. Giovanni.

It had been a while since he’d seen the pale horse last, having gone their separate ways for a bit following their last delve together. Walking towards the place where they’d agreed to meet, he eyed the kid standing there. Well, at least they looked a little older than Bug’s kid.

Nodding in greeting, Dae approached her, sizing the scrappy creature up. “You Aphelion or Muttonchops?” He asked, raising a brow as he looked at her. “And are you new to the dungeons?”



After a few failed attempts with going into the dungeons with others, he well at least made a few comrades? Suppose he could call them that, another like minded courser, that was also inspired by Crispin. So sure maybe the trips down below didn't work out quite as well, but he got something out of it. Most of the time. 

With the paper in his bag, Giovanni didn't bother looking at the names, too afraid he'd see the all too familiar red heraldic being saddled with him yet again. He'd just turn tail and call it quits. Though stepping into the small cavern, he's pleased to see an all too familiar bedhead of a courser.

"Hmm thought I could recognize that hairdo, only something you could pull off." he tuts, but there is a teasing tune to his voice. As he looks over, he spots well some furball of a kid. "Ahh." he says noting the way she seems to posture up to them. "I'm Gi, thats Dae." he says gently shoving the dark horse,.



Alphie trotted along with a little pep in their step as they headed to the place they’d been told to meet their soon to be party. They’d been in the dungeons before, certainly felt the pull to venture into their depths… but for some reason they just couldn’t seem to recall.

Really they couldn’t remember most things about their life if they were being entirely honest. They’d come to one day in one of the dungeon’s upper levels with the little pygmy drake that was currently at their side - no memory of who they were or how they’d gotten there or what they’d been doing.

While initially it had been a little distressing, at this point they’d simply come to accept it. They knew they went by Alphie, and that they called the pygmy drake Phisk, and for now, that was enough. Flicking their ears forward as they stepped into the space with their soon to be companions, they offered a small nicker in greeting.

“Hello!” They grinned, trotting towards the others eagerly. “I'm looking forward to traveling with you all. Can't remember the last time I went much deeper into the dungeons. I’m rather excited.”


The young brown fuzzy thing looked up at the older ones, watches as they all seemed to come around her. Well good, at least they weren't telling her off already for being just a kid and small and everything else that was a crime of being a literal child. Mutt nods to them all. "Im Muttonchops, but I like that name Mutt better!" she flickers her tail with a firm nod, little buck teeth popped out over her bottom lip.

"Good to meet you all, and I am glad you came to aid me!" she says in a nearly serious tone. "I've seen the others with weapons and swords, and well I really want one. Thats my goal today." she says to the group. They can get whatever they want out of it, but she wants a sword or something cool! "And before anyone says anything, I've been down before, just don't get too a lot, cause everyone doesn't want a kid to drag them down blah blah blah." she snorts, stomping her little hoof.

"I'll bite your ankles if any of you say that too me! I deserve to be here like the rest of you all." she pouts a bit, thick brows pulling down as she gives all three a hard look, before seeming to see something in them, that lets her settle a bit. "Let's go then." she grins wide and toothy before making her way into the depths of the dungeons.


His look softens as Giovanni approaches, a grin creeping across his face. “Wow, surprised you have the wherewithal to remember my name” He teases gently, pressing his shoulder to Giovanni fondly.

Glancing at the puck as they enter, talking about not knowing the last time they were down here, he rolled his eyes a little. Greaaaat. That was promising. Though he can’t help but laugh a little as Mutt speaks.

“Alright kid. Tell ya what, you know what you want so bad, you can be the leader.” He says, his voice earnest as he speaks. Why not let the kid set the pace? It’d be easier to keep an eye on her if they were following her anyway, and ultimately Dae didn’t have any particular plans for delving into the dungeons, he was simply here to look for anything that could prove useful in a trade later.

Stepping out into the darkness, Dae’s eyes go wide as his hoof slips on something slick beneath him. Trying to regain his balance, his hooves continue to slip until he’s landed on his ass and he’s sliding down, down, down deeper into the dungeon. “Shit!” 


"Hardy har har" he mutters amusedly to Dae, and watches the little kid with all sharp words eager to prove herself. Well she's got spunk. As for the other one, he glances over at Alphie, well nothing like have two new kids to look after, even if one is a little bit older than the other.

Watching as Mutt takes the lead he rolls his eyes a little fondly. "Go figure little squirt wants to lead." he muses a bit as they follow after her, but one second she is in eye sight, the next she is gone. "What the f-" he stalls in his words as he sees Dae tumble from the side. He tries to react, to bite at his mane and help pull him straight. He misses completely, and stepped forward to try and catch him again, only to feel what must have happened to the other two. 

Stone is slick with slime or sludge, and no amount of careful footing could have saved them from the fall. Gi is sliding forwards after Dae. "Oh fuck oh fuck." he mutters to himself eyes wide trying to find anyway to get them out of this. All the while he can hear the shrill screeching of Mutt way up ahead. Please someone tell him, they did not just kill a kid by letting her lead.


Alphie pauses as the rest of their party disappears into the darkness, screaming and shouting as they slide out of sight. Swiveling their ears, they tentatively take a hesitant step, hoof sliding on something slick. Ooooooh Thats where they’d gone.

Well it wasn’t as if they were here to travel alone. With the equivalent of an equine shrug, the step onto the angled plane, sliding down faster than they’d anticipated. Phisk let out a screech of dismay, flying after Alphie as she did her best to keep up. “Don’t worry Phisk, we won’t lose them.” The puck said as if to reassure the creature, even though they weren’t entirely sure of it themself.



The young thing takes one brave step forwards and she is quick to tumble without a sound, she is sliding down and it takes her a moment to get herself to sit on her butt as she moves down. Fear quickly vanished as a wide grin takes over. This is fun, like really fun! Any small bumps as her flying upwards, a delighted screech escapes her as moves faster down the slippery slope. 

Mutt wonders if she can get on all fours, slide down like some knight or hero. Barrel down in and show off her skills, and another part of her is begging for a way to get back up so she can do it all over again. What a great start for an adventure she thinks with glee.

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[MEDIUM] Slip'n'slide
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In Campaigns ・ By howeverwilde, Soren

Your party advances into the dungeon.
You bat away sticky drippings dangling from the ceiling as you duck into a new passage. A moist haze keeps your torchlight from revealing much, so you don’t see the downward slope ahead of you until your hoof slips on the mucky floor. You are suddenly speeding down a slick, gooey slide into darkness, gaining momentum as the dungeon whips past you.

Your party must make a Cunning check to scramble for purchase in the slime.

Submitted By Soren for Campaign - Medium
Submitted: 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 weeks ago

howeverwilde: writer (Gio, Mutt)
Soren: writer (Dae, Alphie)
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