What Calls in the Dark

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It had been a year since Zomo had entered any cave in search of valuables. He wasn't certain he was ready. 


"You got this! " Velvet said, her tan mane shimmering in the afternoon sun.


"A quick in and out. Nothing too drastic. Nothing too dangerous." Firefly reassured him. 


"I know," Zomo's voice was deep, resonating, but held a slight twinkle in its cadence that gave him an eternally youthful tone. "It's just...every time I close my eyes––I remember."


Velvet nuzzled the fluff of Zomo's cheek in comfort. She wasn't fond of dungeons herself, though they intrigued her, but she knew the joy they once brought Zomo and wanted that for him once more. 


"I believe in you, my friend. And I'm so excited to see what you find!" She pawed the earth excitedly and smiled. 


"I'll find something extra special, just for you!" His crimson eyes twinkled brightly though the gulp he swallowed betrayed his confidence.


"I'll be right outside if you need me." Firefly snorted, “I made sure there's enough oil on the torch. Enough for two days journey.”


“Thank you Firefly.” Zomo wrapped her in a small hug before turning to face the opening of the dungeon. The dark opening left his knees weak. He had once loved to travel into these depths, exploring all their past had to offer and yet… 


From behind him, Velvet and Firefly whinnied their encouragement. He glanced over his shoulder, spotting his friends and took a deep breath. 


Nodding, Zomo adjusted his tiny glasses and tightened his bag around his midsection. Taking small, timid steps, he entered the yawning expanse of the cave's mouth. Shutting his eyes against the change in light, he inhaled deeply to get some sense of his surroundings. 


Damp earthy musk greeted his flaring nostrils and caused a sneeze from the large Puck. He chuckled, out of amusement but a bit out of fear, and opened his eyes. 


In the distance, a torch was lit covering a small area in glowing orange flame. He had no doubt Firefly would keep her word yet still he thanked her silently as his hooves echoed with each measured step he took across the stone.


Gingerly, he grabbed the twisted wooden handle, designed specifically with a curved handle to be carried in the mouth, and swept slowly around the area. 


Heart pounding in his chest, he shut his eyes once more. Firefly had promised the fire wouldn't go out this time and he trusted his friend deeply. Still the thought of being trapped down here again wasn't one he wished to linger on. 


Zomo snorted softly, releasing the bad memory from his mind. It was a simple trip, he used to journey here all the time! Plus who would bring Velvet her trinkets if he didn't muster up the courage to do this? 


Twitching his ears in every direction, he listened for the sound of any danger. There wasn't much in this cave. It was normally used for training young foals who were starting out, but dungeons were always unpredictable. 


He had learned this the hard way. His last adventure with Hawthorne had gone terribly wrong. The two had been separated by a collapse, sealing Zomo off from the exit. Hawthorne had luckily left his pack with Zomo and always carried more supplies than he needed. 


Zomo had had enough food and water to last him the three days it took a crew to dig him free. But he had been shaken by the loneliness, the emptiness, the neverending darkness. It had taken an additional three days for his eyes to readjust to sunlight. He had wondered if he'd ever know light again.


Sighing, he glanced around the area, sweeping the torch and occasionally picking up items of interest. Most of the area seemed picked clean and he was certain a few of the items had been given by Velvet and hidden by Firefly for him to find. 


He smiled softly. His friends wished he'd remember the excitement he felt. His little fun pranks, his usual relaxed nature, had left since the ordeal and he desperately wanted to feel that way once more. He longed to return to the deeper, more dangerous caverns.


He and Hawthorne had grown up together as foals. They had always dreamed of venturing into the deepest, darkest dungeons they could find. Zomo dreamed of recovering rare archaeological artifacts and Hawthorne, of collecting trinkets of the magical variety. Together, they envisioned helping Coursers understand their history as a whole. 


But since the collapse, Hawthorne has also refused to go back into dungeons. He has refused to speak to Zomo at all. Zomo assured him multiple times, without him he would have died. But still, he stayed inside and after two months, Zomo had quit trying. 


Zomoooo, a hiss arose from somewhere in the dark. Out of the reach of his light. Zomoooo. 


Instantly alert, he began to scan the area in search of the sound. Certainly nothing was calling his name in the darkness. It must be wind whistling through. It happened often but never once had he mistaken it for saying his name.


Zomoooo, Zomoooo, Zomoooo


Racing forward, determined to locate the voice? Sound? He swept the torch in all different directions. Heart pounding against his chest, hooves mimicking the pounding in his chest, he panicked. 


I should just go get Firefly, but the thought entered and left his mind quickly. He needed to do this. He wanted to be able to do this by himself.


Zomoooo, Zomoooo, Zomoooo


“What!?” He reared up, stomping his hooves upon the ground in frustration, shouted around his torch. “What?!”


Snorting heavily, he swept the torch around the area once more. This time catching sight of a brook which cut through the underground road. The water made no sound as it flowed gently through the surrounding rock. 


With caution, he approached the running water, for it was, in fact, running, despite the eerie lack of noise. Leaning his strong neck forward, he inhaled. The water had a sweet smell, strangely reminiscent of maple. Upon closer inspection, he noticed a pearlescent shine radiating from its normally clear visage. Not only was the liquid a mass of swirling rainbow colors but it seemed to glow! 


He had to touch it. No! Drink it! Yes, he must drink this water and then everything would be okay. He'd forget the fear of the darkness. He'd be able to study his finds with his friends. Be loyal. Be available. Be reliable for them like he used to. 


“Like I used to––”


and with those words the torch slipped from his mouth, dousing itself with a hiss. For a moment, the cavern was black, as the water seemingly swallowed the torch whole, before the glow of the brook took up to shining once more. 


It was that split second of darkness that broke Zomo from his trance. Had he really been ready to drink from this strange source?! Why had he heard such strange words in his head? 


“Something isn't right,” he mumbled. 


The sound of honking and webbed feet filled the cave. A small gosling flapped her tiny wings in excitement. Running around his legs. 


“Segel!” he said, happily, “Where’s…?”


Hooves sounded from the same direction Segel had appeared and Zomo was greeted by Firefly, the glow of a torch casting shadows around her dark face. She whinnied a call of relief, upon spotting him. Locating a sconce, she placed the torch along the wall. She rushed towards him speaking quickly, 


“You've been in here for hours, Zomo! Velvet and I were so worried! I went and got Segel to help look for you and—”


“Wait!” Zomo called out and Firefly responded, coming to a halt. “I heard a voice and it led me to this brook here. It is not easy to see. It's a strange one. It makes no sound, smells sweet and causes you to hear strange voices luring you to drink from it.”


Her eyes widened in surprise and she called Segel to her side who luckily had not noticed the brook somehow. The trio moved slowly away. Zomo didn't take his eyes from her, or the promise of light, as they reached what he assumed was a safe distance. 


Firefly stared out in amazement at the shimmering pearl water she was only able to locate because Zomo pointed it out. “I was here just last night! This was not! How–? Why–? What–?”


“We need a plan. This needs to be studied. I should let Hawthorne know.” Zomo wrinkled his nose to adjust his tiny spectacles. “He'll be able to make sense of this, I'm sure!”


Firefly turned from the brook to look at her friend. “Zomo,” she said softly, “are you sure?” Segel honked her agreement, flapping her tiny wings in sad dismay. 


“I'm sure.” He nodded his large head, black and white mane bouncing, “Hawthorne will know what to do. And if he doesn't, he'll know someone who will.”


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What Calls in the Dark
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In General Art / Lit ・ By Amias_LavelleContent Warning: Some Scary Elements, Anxiety, Fear of the Dark, Mentions of being Trapped

Thank you so much to Selkie and Owltry for letting me borrow Velvet and Firefly for this story! I hope I captured them well and you enjoy this! 

Submitted By Amias_Lavelle
Submitted: 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 weeks ago

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[What Calls in the Dark by Amias_Lavelle (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** Some Scary Elements, Anxiety, Fear of the Dark, Mentions of being Trapped](https://dungeon-coursers.com/gallery/view/2082)
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